by GAC Ikeja

Welcome to Church

Firmly rooted in the Scripture, the beliefs of Gospel Apostolic Church guide our decisions as a church.

Welcome to Church

Firmly rooted in the Scripture, the beliefs of Gospel Apostolic Church guide our decisions as a church.

Welcome to Church

Firmly rooted in the Scripture, the beliefs of Gospel Apostolic Church guide our decisions as a church.

Welcome to Church

Firmly rooted in the Scripture, the beliefs of Gospel Apostolic Church guide our decisions as a church.

Let's Worship Together

Join Us on MixLr for an Amazing Experience

Welcome to Church

Firmly rooted in the Scripture, the beliefs of Gospel Apostolic Church guide our decisions as a church.

Committed to the
Gospel of Christ

We view God, Jesus, the Bible and man as significant aspects of our faith. Firmly rooted in Scripture, the beliefs of Gospel Apostolic Church guide our decisions as a church.

Committed to the
Gospel of Christ

We view God, Jesus, the Bible and man as significant aspects of our faith. Firmly rooted in Scripture, the beliefs of Gospel Apostolic Church guide our decisions as a church.

Our Weekly Activities

We have several activities during the week. You can choose to attend any or all of our weekly services. May God be with you as you come.

Let's Worship Together

Join Us on MixLr for an Amazing Experience

Upcoming Programmes

With so many activities happening at our church, you can now check to know which activities you will be interested to attend and how our programmes hold from daily, weekly and monthly.

Upcoming Programmes

With so many activities happening at our church, you can now check to know which activities you will be interested to attend and how our programmes hold from daily, weekly and monthly.

Stay Empowered

Leadership Development Academy

Our vision at the LDA is to raise transformational leaders – pacesetters and pioneers of change through our core values of integrity, service, excellence, professionalism and diligence.

Stay Empowered

Leadership Empowerment Academy

Our vision at the LDA is to raise transformational leaders – pacesetters and pioneers of change through our core values of integrity, service, excellence, professionalism and diligence.

Market Leaders

Our Latest Events

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolor emque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore.


Online Workshop

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat.

12 MAY

Online Conference

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat.


Worldwide Trade Show

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat.

Join the Community

Want to join a community for Christian brothers and sisters? We share the gospel of Christ in the community. Members of the community can have online discussions and engage with one another. It's an opportunity to you to know more about the scriptures and the wish of God for humanity. Tap the button below to join now.