At Gospel Apostolic Church, we give ourselves away so you will experience excellence and the love of God.

Becoming a Family Through Church
The Church is a body, bound together by our individual decisions but also bound together by far more than human decision—the person and work of Christ. And this is no dysfunctional family, with family members estranged from one another. It's a fellowship. When God "called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord" (1 Cor. 1:9), he also called you into "fellowship" with the whole family (1 Cor. 5:2). Together we can display the gospel of Jesus Christ in a way we just can't by ourselves. We can’t wait to have you as family.
How to Connect
The Church is a body, bound together by our individual decisions but also bound together by far more than human decision—the person and work of Christ. And this is no dysfunctional family, with family members estranged from one another. It's a fellowship.
Come & Join Us
We would be glad to have you. Whether you are a first timer or have visited before, whatever the reason is good enough to have you fellowship with us. We can’t wait to welcome you.
Share the Love
Spread the good news by inviting friends and loved ones to church. Together we would praise, worship and learn at His feet. Every service is life changing with testimonies to follow!
Want to take your walk with God to the next level? Why not make inquiries on how to join the ever-growing number of the workforce dedicated to the service of God and humanity. Come find out how.
Plan a Visit
No matter what stage, age, or season you find yourself in, Gospel Apostolic Church is for you! We invite you to come just as you are and be part of this community of people who are striving together to discover God’s purpose and plan for their lives!