Reserved and Preserved for God’s Use
Matthew 21:1-14
On a day like this (Palm Sunday) we commemorate the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. In spite of all the teachings concerning vision and purpose, quite a number of people still don’t have a clue of what purpose entails.
Thus this message will dwell on understanding God’s purpose. The word ‘preserve’ means ‘someone’ or ‘something’ been booked/kept back/retained/set aside for a specific purpose. To be preserved means to be prevented from spoilage or decay. To be preserved is to be salted/prepared for future use, kept away from contamination. God has deliberately reserved and preserved you for such a time as this. There are some things you are going through that are making you upset, but it is a pointer to that truth that you had been reserved by God.
God is the perfect time keeper. He reserved and preserved you to be a vessel in His hands (Acts 15:18). God is the great organized designer. He is the grand commander of all events (1st Pet 2:9, Col 1:13). God had a purpose for Abraham but He told Abraham to first leave his father’s house (Gen 12:1). The making of a great man begins with a calling out/separation/consecration.
Thus this message will dwell on understanding God’s purpose. The word ‘preserve’ means ‘someone’ or ‘something’ been booked/kept back/retained/set aside for a specific purpose. To be preserved means to be prevented from spoilage or decay. To be preserved is to be salted/prepared for future use, kept away from contamination. God has deliberately reserved and preserved you for such a time as this. There are some things you are going through that are making you upset, but it is a pointer to that truth that you had been reserved by God.
God is the perfect time keeper. He reserved and preserved you to be a vessel in His hands (Acts 15:18). God is the great organized designer. He is the grand commander of all events (1st Pet 2:9, Col 1:13). God had a purpose for Abraham but He told Abraham to first leave his father’s house (Gen 12:1). The making of a great man begins with a calling out/separation/consecration.
There are points to note in the anchor text. We also note that Mark 11, Luke 19 and John 12 give similar accounts of the happenings in our anchor text.
1. The Lord zeroed in on a particular donkey. The Lord knows you and had appointed you before we were born.
2. There was a donkey and a colt. God’s calling on your life is trans-generational (Isa 59:21). If the impact is not trans-generational, the next generation is cut-off. Little did Abraham know that 42 generations down the line, the Messiah would be born. Between Abraham and David there was 14 generations. Between David and the Captivity, there was another 14 generations. And between the captivity and Jesus, there was another 14 generations.
3. People, nations, kingdoms, men, structures and opportunities would try to upturn God’s value upon your life but ultimately, God’s verdict would stand (Matt 21:3)
4. The scriptures must be fulfilled (Luke 4:18). So the question is, are you acting or living according to God’s script for your life? (Psalm 40:6-8).
5. He sat upon the donkey (John 12:14; Mal. 3:3).
6. He took a majestic ride into the city. The Lord wants to reach out to the world through you (Rom 1:5). Wherever you go, people see Jesus Christ (Gal 4:19).
7. His first point of call on the journey with the donkey was the church. Jesus wants to bring about transformation starting from the church. The spirit of discernment/judgement must begin with the church. Judgment is bringing ourselves in alliance with the word of God; It implies conformity with the word of God. God wants us to be spiritually responsible. To whom much is given, much more is expected (Luke 12:48).
8. When there is spiritual cleansing, healing and restoration in the church, the blind folks see, the lame begin to walk, the miraculous becomes the order of the day and the supernatural breaks forth (Matt 21:14).
In conclusion, Apostle Paul, in his letter to Timothy, declared:
‘I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing’ (2 Timothy 4:7-8).
‘I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing’ (2 Timothy 4:7-8).
May the Lord empower us to fulfil His plans and purpose for us lives!
Resident Pastor