Luke 9:23-25; Mark 8:34-37
Who is a disciple?
A disciple is a follower and student of a mentor, teacher, or other figure; one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another.
An ardent follower, protege or faithful devotee of someone in greater authority.
Discipline is a systematic instruction intended to train a person, sometimes literally called a disciple, in a craft, trade or other activity, or to follow a particular code of conduct or order.
Few things to note about disciples…
As Christ’s disciples, we didn’t choose Him, rather, He chose us (John 15:16). Jesus solely appointed His disciples (Matt. 10:1-4; Mark 3:13-19).
A disciple is not greater than his/her Master (Matt. 10:24; John 15:20).
True and worthy disciples respond earnestly to the call to service, they step up their spiritual lives, in order to close ranks with Jesus.
Jesus went to the mountain top and His disciples followed Him (Matt. 5:1).
True followers of Christ (disciples) serve God with their bags packed, they are not bread and butter (comfort zone) Christians (Matt. 8:18-23).
Faithful disciples are mountain climbers. They know how to boldly approach the throne of grace in time of need…(Mark 9:2)
The demands of discipleship
1) Deny yourself
Self denial, self restraint, self abasement…
We must deny self of its appetite.
We must endure hardship and inconvenience for Christ’s sake.
We must humble ourselves
2) Pick up your cross daily (embrace the way of the cross)
The way of the cross is not an easy way to tread, it’s the seemingly ‘old-fashoined’, forsaken and lonely way. Few are they that find it…
These days, the message of the cross is stylishly avoided in the church, because it’s an offence and a stumbling block to the wise men of the world. But unto those who believe, it is the power of God unto salvation…
There is no resurrection without the cross!
3) Follow Jesus
Jesus said ‘follow me and I will make you…’
As you follow Jesus daily, He fashions out the pre-ordained glory of God in your life.
Following Jesus implies that we follow His footsteps; we live as He lived, we walk as He walked, we work as he worked, and we submit totally to the will of the Father, just as He did….
John 8:31
Resident Pastor
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