Christians are God’s chosen. They are called for God’s special purpose on earth. It is the duty of the individual Christian therefore that he discovers the very purpose for which he has been called and chosen of God. The fact that a man responds to salvation alone goes to show that he’s been chosen by God to respond to that call. Jesus said that “No one can come unto me except the father draws him…. John 6:44. God knows you before you are brought forth.
God chose you before you were born
As a Christian, you are a product of election by God’s Grace. God has predestined you and me to be called the sons of God not because we choose to be, but because He has made it to be. Therefore, we are saved to be used of God to carry out special assignment for Him.
Let us see briefly some of the people God chose in the bible even before they knew that they had been elected or chosen by God.
David – 1Samuel 13:13 -14
God had ordained David as the king of Israel long before it even got to the notice of David himself.
While Saul was still reigning physically as the king of Israel, God had already rejected him and sought for himself another king for Israel in the person of David without anyone knowing. Samuel did not know as well until God revealed the Identity of David some days or even, may be months after He had chosen David. The purpose for choosing David is for him to replace Saul and become the captain of God’s people.
Josiah – 1kings 13: 1 -3, 2Kings 23: 15 – 16
King Josiah is another man that God chose for His own purpose. In this case, prophecy had even gone forth more than one hundred years (100 years) before Josiah was born. At the end, the prophecy came to pass and Josiah did as the Lord had purposed.
Prophet Jeremiah – Jeremiah 1:4 – 5
God categorically spoke concerning Jeremiah that he had been preordained even before he was formed in his mother’s womb. Jeremiah was chosen by God for the purpose of speaking the Word of the Lord to the nation of Israel before and during the captivity of Israel.
Why God choose/call believers?
Have you ever asked yourself why you have been chosen or called by God? Anyway, there are quite a number of reasons why God calls His children this day. Here are few I will like to discuss:
1. God chooses us to show forth His praise 1Peter 2: 9 -10
2. God chooses us bring His salvation to others 2Cor. 8: 18 – 19
3. We have been chosen to be the Salt and the Light of God to our world Matt. 5: 13 – 16
4. We are chosen to be glorified when we have done all that God requires of us – Rom. 8: 30
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