Psalm 105:16-22
Psalm 105:16-22
Greatness sometimes starts in an insignificant way! Great things start small. God has placed within a seed, the capacity to produce a humongous tree. It’s a kingdom order (Matt. 13:31-32; Mark 4:30-32; Luke 13:18-20).
Though your beginning was insignificant, yet your end will increase greatly (Job 8:7).
The seed can only release the great potentials that lie within it, when it has been subjected to a process of preparation (John 12:20-24).
God is the One who determines the schedule (timeframe) of the preparation. Don’t move ahead of your time lest you short-change the process.
Likewise, He determines the manner and the location of the preparation.
The seed can only release the great potentials that lie within it, when it has been subjected to a process of preparation (John 12:20-24).
God is the One who determines the schedule (timeframe) of the preparation. Don’t move ahead of your time lest you short-change the process.
Likewise, He determines the manner and the location of the preparation.
In Genesis 18, God gave a testimony concerning Abraham that he would train and command his children and household to walk in the way of the Lord and to keep His righteousness and justice.
This was passed on to subsequent generations and Joseph also, was responsible enough to allow God to prepare him thoroughly for a glorious future.
This was passed on to subsequent generations and Joseph also, was responsible enough to allow God to prepare him thoroughly for a glorious future.
Let’s examine Psalm 105:16-22, as we profile the life of Joseph.
He (God) called for a famine in the land and broke the supply (provision) of bread…
Sometimes, God calls for temporal famine (lack) in your life and cuts off the provision of human bread (assistance), just to show you that, vain is the help of man…
God will sometimes take away the bread that cannot sustain you in your spiritual journey, in order to introduce to you, the Bread of Life!
Sometimes, God calls for temporal famine (lack) in your life and cuts off the provision of human bread (assistance), just to show you that, vain is the help of man…
God will sometimes take away the bread that cannot sustain you in your spiritual journey, in order to introduce to you, the Bread of Life!
He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold as a slave…
Joseph was probably seventeen years old at the time he was sold, yet, God saw him as a man. He was a responsible man at the age of seventeen (to say the least).
Joseph was probably seventeen years old at the time he was sold, yet, God saw him as a man. He was a responsible man at the age of seventeen (to say the least).
Moreover, he was a foremost ‘apostle’, sent ahead of his people by God, just like his great-grand father, Abraham, who was sent out of his country by the same God.
Even as a slave in a strange land, he was a responsible man. He was a man of character, competence, courage and charisma…
He feared God greatly and delighted in His commandments. He embraced righteousness and eschewed evil (Gen. 39:9).
He feared God greatly and delighted in His commandments. He embraced righteousness and eschewed evil (Gen. 39:9).
Furthermore, God will not call for a famine in any land without empowering and raising a Joseph generation who would proffer Godly solutions to existing challenges.
They hurt his feet with fetters…
Joseph was seriously hurt, he was bruised, maltreated. He was persecuted and wrongly accused for the sake of righteousness, yet he sinned not.
Men will hurt your feelings and bruise your ego sometimes, always know that it’s God that is at work in you, both to do and to will, according to His good pleasure…
They hurt his feet with fetters…
Joseph was seriously hurt, he was bruised, maltreated. He was persecuted and wrongly accused for the sake of righteousness, yet he sinned not.
Men will hurt your feelings and bruise your ego sometimes, always know that it’s God that is at work in you, both to do and to will, according to His good pleasure…
Until the time that his word came to pass, the Word of the Lord tested him…
God will sometimes keep your dreams in view in order to test and prove your character. He will subject you to series of tests and training in order to rid you of character defects.
God will sometimes keep your dreams in view in order to test and prove your character. He will subject you to series of tests and training in order to rid you of character defects.
The king sent for him and released him…
Do you see a man diligent with his work, he will stand before kings… (Prov. 22:29). It’s a time of release! You’re being released into a new level of greatness, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Do you see a man diligent with his work, he will stand before kings… (Prov. 22:29). It’s a time of release! You’re being released into a new level of greatness, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Furthermore, he was made a ruler over the whole country… He became a force to reckon with, he instructed the elders and taught the senators. These and many more are the dividends of adequate presentation.
Resident Pastor
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