Our Lord, Jesus Christ revolutionised the concept of leadership when He revealed to His disciples, the real essence of leadership – service. Through this new idea called servant leadership, He introduced a paradigm shift into the world of leadership. In the kingdom of God, the servant is the greatest…
We see service as weakness, but God sees it as strength!
Jesus took it a step further by washing His disciples’ feet… (John 13:3-5).
Someone said, ‘servant leadership begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve first and thereafter, exploit leadership as a platform through which one plunges deeper into service’. The servant leader is first of all a servant!
The desire of the Father is to raise labourers (servant leaders), in this end-time, who will extend the frontiers of His kingdom on earth, as ambassadors of Christ (Matt. 9:37-38).
When the kingdom of God comes upon us with power, true servant leaders will be raised in the body of Christ (Psalm 110:3).
They are men of spiritual perception
They sense/see things in the Spirit, ahead of others. They are always at least, a step ahead of their generation. While others gallivant around town, seeing nothing, God reveals to them, an impending doom (Amos 3:7; Gen. 6:13; 18:17). Mordecai perceived all that had been done… (Esther 4:1).
They sense/see things in the Spirit, ahead of others. They are always at least, a step ahead of their generation. While others gallivant around town, seeing nothing, God reveals to them, an impending doom (Amos 3:7; Gen. 6:13; 18:17). Mordecai perceived all that had been done… (Esther 4:1).
They are men of prayer
They are totally given to prayer, intercessory prayer! God reveals events and things that will unfold in the fullness of time to them, and in response, they pray ahead! They pray according to the leading of the Spirit…
While Naaman was trying to perfect his evil plan for Mordecai and the Jews, Mordecai was probably somewhere, in the secret place of the Most High, praying, interceding for the nation…
They are totally given to prayer, intercessory prayer! God reveals events and things that will unfold in the fullness of time to them, and in response, they pray ahead! They pray according to the leading of the Spirit…
While Naaman was trying to perfect his evil plan for Mordecai and the Jews, Mordecai was probably somewhere, in the secret place of the Most High, praying, interceding for the nation…
They love righteousness and eschew iniquity
They are grieved by the things that grieve God. They mourn when there is lack of restraint among God’s people. Blessed are they that mourn… (Matt. 5:4). They are passionate about God’s kingdom. They are lovers of God and His Word. Furthermore, they are not scared to declare their stance for righteousness, neither are they ashamed of the gospel of Christ (Rom. 1:16-17).
They are grieved by the things that grieve God. They mourn when there is lack of restraint among God’s people. Blessed are they that mourn… (Matt. 5:4). They are passionate about God’s kingdom. They are lovers of God and His Word. Furthermore, they are not scared to declare their stance for righteousness, neither are they ashamed of the gospel of Christ (Rom. 1:16-17).
They raise servant leaders
They don’t build a team of loyalists for themselves, rather, they train and equip saints for the work of the ministry (Eph. 4:11-13). They build teams of followers/disciples for Christ. Having experienced the power of the Cross, they replicate themselves in others… (2 Tim. 2:1-2).
They don’t build a team of loyalists for themselves, rather, they train and equip saints for the work of the ministry (Eph. 4:11-13). They build teams of followers/disciples for Christ. Having experienced the power of the Cross, they replicate themselves in others… (2 Tim. 2:1-2).
They are process-oriented
They subject themselves under divine processing. They understand times and seasons in God’s perspective (1 Chro. 12:32). They don’t move ahead of God’s timing (Luke 1:80). They don’t look for shortcuts and quick fixes. They don’t compete with others, they rather complete them….
Are we process-oriented?
They subject themselves under divine processing. They understand times and seasons in God’s perspective (1 Chro. 12:32). They don’t move ahead of God’s timing (Luke 1:80). They don’t look for shortcuts and quick fixes. They don’t compete with others, they rather complete them….
Are we process-oriented?
They are selfless
Regardless of their status or position, they remain as true servants of God (Esther 10:1-3). They possess the mind of Christ (Phil. 2:3-11). Even in the midst of blessings and affluence, they see themselves as strangers and pilgrims on earth (Heb. 11:13; 1 Peter 2:11).
Regardless of their status or position, they remain as true servants of God (Esther 10:1-3). They possess the mind of Christ (Phil. 2:3-11). Even in the midst of blessings and affluence, they see themselves as strangers and pilgrims on earth (Heb. 11:13; 1 Peter 2:11).
Seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matt. 5:6; 6:10, 33). Pray for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Seize every opportunity you have, to serve God. In every given capacity, ensure that you are serving. When Jesus comes, it will be great if He finds us deeply immersed into kingdom service (Luke 12:43).
The Lord is coming quickly, and His reward is with Him, to give every man according to his works… (Rev. 22:12).
Receive grace to be a servant leader, a true ambassador of God’s kingdom, in your generation.
Receive grace to be a servant leader, a true ambassador of God’s kingdom, in your generation.
Resident Pastor
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1 comment
Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!
An Thái Sơn chia sẻ trẻ sơ sinh nằm nôi điện có tốt không hay võng điện có tốt không và giải đáp cục điện đưa võng giá bao nhiêu cũng như địa chỉ bán máy đưa võng ở đâu uy tín.