Service implies ministering to God and to the needs of others.
Service (in the vineyard of God) has been designed by the Master to follow a particular spiritual order or sequence.
The quality or acceptability of our service before God is determined by the level of adherence to this divinely inspired order.
The order is highlighted thus:
Let your garments always be white, and let your head lack no oil.
Live joyfully (peacefully, delightfully, satisfactorily, happily, blissfully…) with the wife whom you love
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might
In order to ensure that we are fruitful in our service unto God, we must maintain this sequence.
Service must follow this order (as shown below):
A. Personal Consecration. Your garment and your head
B. Your home
C. Service/Ministry/Industry/Commerce
NOTE:- We cannot re-arrange the order. It has been ordained by God.
Let your garments always be white, and let your head lack no oil (Personal Devotion/Consecration).
Service in the kingdom of God starts with personal relationship with God. Our garments must always be pure (Psalm 24:3-4). We can only maintain pure garments by dwelling in the Altar of God. Gen 26:25
The altar is the place where our lives are altered positively. It’s the place of prayer, the place of worship.
The white garment – holiness, righteousness, personal relationship with God, clean hands and a pure heart
……and let your head lack no oil
We need the unction to function in the office/area that God has called us to.
To function effectively, we need the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
The altar is the place where our lives are altered positively. It’s the place of prayer, the place of worship.
The white garment – holiness, righteousness, personal relationship with God, clean hands and a pure heart
……and let your head lack no oil
We need the unction to function in the office/area that God has called us to.
To function effectively, we need the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Psalm 89:20; Psalm 23:5b; Acts 6:3; Acts 10:38
Live joyfully with the wife/husband of your youth, whom you love (The Home/Family)
The home comes between your personal walk with God and your ministry. After God, your home (family) is next on the order.
As a couple, there is a divine assignment/mandate for you to fulfil on earth.
Genesis 2:18
The wife is a helpmeet for the man, God has created her to assist the man in fulfilling his purpose on earth and vice versa.
A wife is a good thing, not a terror. He that findeth a wife….(Prov 18:22)
As a couple, there is a divine assignment/mandate for you to fulfil on earth.
Genesis 2:18
The wife is a helpmeet for the man, God has created her to assist the man in fulfilling his purpose on earth and vice versa.
A wife is a good thing, not a terror. He that findeth a wife….(Prov 18:22)
If you are not yet married, this is an opportunity for you to close your ranks with God. If you don’t know God (personally) before you get married, it might become tougher for you to know Him after your marriage, especially if your spouse isn’t the type that encourages you positively.
Seek God’s face before you get married, He will surely direct your paths…
Seek God’s face before you get married, He will surely direct your paths…
The relationship between husband and wife (love, honour, faithfulness, patience, submission, obedience) determines the acceptability of our service unto God.
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might (Ministry)
God had perfected and ordained us in Christ Jesus (even before the foundation of the world) for good works, that we should walk in them(Ephesians 2:10).
Ministry is laying down our lives on the altar of sacrifice, unto the Lord; whereby He has the liberty to do as He wills to us, to send us wherever He deems fit, and we are ready to obey Him and to do His will unconditionally. Romans 12:1
Ministry is laying down our lives on the altar of sacrifice, unto the Lord; whereby He has the liberty to do as He wills to us, to send us wherever He deems fit, and we are ready to obey Him and to do His will unconditionally. Romans 12:1