Genesis 22:1-18
The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it. The blessing of God upon Abraham is the seal of the perfection mandate that God gave us.
It pleased the Lord in His awesome Majesty, to choose Abraham as the conveyor of the blessing He wanted to bestow upon mankind (Gen. 12:3; 22:18; Gal. 3:13-14).
It pleased the Lord in His awesome Majesty, to choose Abraham as the conveyor of the blessing He wanted to bestow upon mankind (Gen. 12:3; 22:18; Gal. 3:13-14).
As we all know, God took Abraham through a divine process before he could attain this level. In Genesis 21, Sarah conceived and gave birth to Isaac, just as the Lord had promised.
However, there was another hurdle for Abraham to scale.
A man who is going to be a conveyor of the heavenly blessing must be tested, proven and certified by God.
However, there was another hurdle for Abraham to scale.
A man who is going to be a conveyor of the heavenly blessing must be tested, proven and certified by God.
Brethren, for everyone who has been given the perfection mandate, divine processing is not an option! It’s a major pre-requisite!
In the school of the Spirit, process precedes progress, test precedes testimonies…
In the school of the Spirit, process precedes progress, test precedes testimonies…
God told Abraham to take his son, Isaac to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, of which He (God) would tell him…
Abraham embarked on the journey. He set out very early in the morning for the place, not knowing the exact mountain where God wanted him to offer his son as a sacrifice.
Brethren, Abraham couldn’t have known that God was actually testing him. However, he took the step of obedience. God will definitely test you, He will test every one of us, at different points in time. Are you prepared for the test? Some of us are already going through the ‘test’ unknowingly. God is taking you through a divine process, and you probably think it’s the enemy that’s attacking you…
For Abraham, Isaac was the greatest blessing he would ever receive from God. Isaac was the link to his being a source of blessing to all the families of the earth, yet, God asked him to present Isaac as a burnt offering…
Can God request for anything that is very dear to you? Can God command you to drop that ‘great’ ambition of yours, and follow His agenda for your life?
Can God request for anything that is very dear to you? Can God command you to drop that ‘great’ ambition of yours, and follow His agenda for your life?
When God lays it in the hearts of His servants, that we should sow seed for the expansion of His kingdom, do we obey His Words?
God took Abraham from the lineage of idolatry, began a new thing in him, processed him, nurtured and groomed him, till he became the father of faith. The Bible says he offered up Isaac by faith (Heb. 11:8-19).
As a result of Abraham’s obedience, God renewed His covenant with him through an oath (Gen. 22:16-18; Hebrews 6:12-18).
In Genesis 24, Abraham, guarded jealously his posterity (the trans-generational blessing he carried), therefore, he charged his servant Eliezer to get a wife for Isaac from his folks (his father’s house). He refused to allow Isaac to mingle with the daughters of the Canaanites…
He remained totally obedient to the commandment God gave him many years earlier (Genesis 12). He told his servant that, on no condition should he take Isaac back to his (Abraham’s) relatives.
When Isaac eventually got married to Rebecca, Isaac was 40 years old (Gen. 25:20) and Abraham was 140 years old (Gen. 21:5).
When Jacob and Esau were born, Isaac was 60 years old (Gen. 25:25-26).
Abraham was 160 years.
Abraham was 160 years.
Abraham died at the age of 175. The Bible says he dwelt in the tent with Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise… (Heb. 11:9).
Abraham must have noticed the lifestyle of Jacob right from childhood (Gen. 25:27), and taught him the ways of God. He must have told Jacob about how he received the call, the heavenly mandate, how the God of glory appeared to him in Mesopotamia, etc.
Abraham must have noticed the lifestyle of Jacob right from childhood (Gen. 25:27), and taught him the ways of God. He must have told Jacob about how he received the call, the heavenly mandate, how the God of glory appeared to him in Mesopotamia, etc.
Where was Esau all this while? He was missing in action! May we never miss out of God’s blessing in the name of Jesus Christ.
Abraham died a fulfilled man, having secured the destinies of his descendants to the fourth generation, before he slept in the Lord (Gen. 14; Hebrews 7:9-10).
Receive grace to run diligently, the race that has been set before you!
You will fulfill the perfection mandate that God has given you! You will finish strong, and pass on the baton to the next generation, in the name of Jesus Christ!
You will fulfill the perfection mandate that God has given you! You will finish strong, and pass on the baton to the next generation, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Resident Pastor
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