Gen. 11:4-6 Mark 16:15-18
§ Everyone at one point or the other had been saddled with the responsibility to build
1. God made Adam the overseer over all earthly creation. Gen. 1:26, Gen. 2:19
2. Noah built a new generation of people and race for God. Gen. 6:13 & 18
3. Abraham built a God fearing nation for God Gen. 12:1-2
4. Hannah raised a prophet unto the Lord even at a time when prophecy became scare in the land of Israel. 1Sam. 1:11, 1Sam. 3:1
5. Jesus Christ came to build and to restore back that which was lost to sin and death Luke 4:18 as written by prophet Isaiah in Isa. 61:1
6. And to us, to build and to raise an end-time ambassador for Christ in our own generation and generations to come if Jesus tarries. Mark 16:15-16
Going back to our anchor text
In Gen. 11:5-6
The Lord attested to their unity, their oneness, their love, a purpose driven people, who speak with one voice, personate, with never say die spirit, always around and ever available, always forging ahead, etc.
Ø They look like a perfect church, a perfect home or family, perfect group in the house of God, perfect people in all form
§ There problem was not in their determination to build but the heart and the reason for their building. Gen. 11:4
Ø Is your life, your work, your relation with people, your association with other, is it just about what you stand to gain or is it to the glory of God?
§ There is nothing wrong in working for God, building a business empire, inventing great ideas, raising children with good moral values as parent, but the moment it is self motivated, it become void of the presence of God.
§ God delight in the prosperity of His children but He is mindful of what we build and how we build. 1Cor. 3:10
§ Whatever God has purpose to build through us be it in our homes as parent, in the church as workers in the vine yard, in your office as representatives/ambassadors of Christ, in ministry, etc. always be sure it is to the glory of God not man.
§ If we build to the flesh we ripe to the flesh and if it is to the Lord we reap the fruit.
The works of the flesh are listed as….. Gal. 5:19-21
Fruit of the spirit are found in Gal. 5:22-26
§ God can make us master builder as long as we do not allow self take the place of God Jere. 1:5-10
In conclusion
§ Are you building to make a name for yourself?
§ God is looking for those who will go beyond every limitation just to glory God’s name
§ Those who are ready to take the gospel to every part of the world with reference to Him and Him alone
§ Those who will not allow association, believe system, etc. hinder them from building for God
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