The devil still uses the same old trick on Christians today. In the same way, he sells the idea of sin to us, making it look good, attractive and acceptable.
However, the standard and position of God regarding sin still remains unchanged!
Sin is sin! It is unacceptable, it is evil, it is abominable in the sight of God.
The first Adam lost his identity in God, and he lost his place.
The devil wanted to use the same old trick on the second Adam (Jesus Christ), but he failed (Matthew 4:3-10).
Jesus Christ knew who He was, who are you? Do you know who you are?
JOHN 1:19-27
JOHN 1:19-27
Identity has become a serious issue in the Christendom nowadays. The great question the world seems to be asking everyone is ‘Who are you?’
Other questions that might come in this form include:
‘What makes you different from us?’
‘Why do you think you are so special?’
‘Who do you think you are?’
Other questions that might come in this form include:
‘What makes you different from us?’
‘Why do you think you are so special?’
‘Who do you think you are?’
The problem of identity is one of the tools that the devil uses to blindfold many people, even in the church. Through the loss of identity, he (the devil) robs a whole lot of people of their God-given fulfilment in life.
Who are you?
Who are you?
The devil paints a wrong picture about yourself to you, like saying ‘I can’t make it without being corrupt’, ‘It’s normal to cheat, every other person does it….’, etc.
In Genesis 3, the devil approached Eve and asked her the question, ‘Has God said you should not eat from any tree in the Garden?’ (Genesis 3:1-7).
In Genesis 3, the devil approached Eve and asked her the question, ‘Has God said you should not eat from any tree in the Garden?’ (Genesis 3:1-7).
The devil still uses the same old trick on Christians today. In the same way, he sells the idea of sin to us, making it look good, attractive and acceptable.
However, the standard and position of God regarding sin still remains unchanged!
Sin is sin! It is unacceptable, it is evil, it is abominable in the sight of God.
The first Adam lost his identity in God, and he lost his place.
The devil wanted to use the same old trick on the second Adam (Jesus Christ), but he failed (Matthew 4:3-10).
Jesus Christ knew who He was, who are you? Do you know who you are?
When you are a non-conformist, there seems to be a challenge on your guts and authority.
If you are a conformist with the world system, then you don’t have a problem with the devil and the world. If you must truly follow Christ, you will be hated by many (John 15:19).
When you conform to the world system, you will be spiritually deformed (Romans 8:6, 12:2).
If you are a conformist with the world system, then you don’t have a problem with the devil and the world. If you must truly follow Christ, you will be hated by many (John 15:19).
When you conform to the world system, you will be spiritually deformed (Romans 8:6, 12:2).
John the Baptist came to revolutionize the religion of his age and suddenly, he became a threat to authorities in the religious circle (powers-that-be).
Some people fall under the error of painting a picture of what/who they are not, while some others don’t even know what they stand for.
Sometimes, the way the world system verifies our identity is to present some ‘open doors’ before us, which might not necessarily be from God. However, as promising as these ‘opportunities’ may look, they involve just a little bit of compromise here and there.
Until you know who you are in Christ, you can’t command an enviable future.
If you don’t have values, you will never be rightly valued. You must know your worth in Christ before you command attention on earth. (Of course, this is not an invitation to pride and arrogance.)
If you don’t have values, you will never be rightly valued. You must know your worth in Christ before you command attention on earth. (Of course, this is not an invitation to pride and arrogance.)
What people say about you is not important as long as it contradicts what God says about you. However, what God says about you becomes inactive if you don’t know or realize it. Knowing the mind of God spurs you into action (Daniel 11:32).
1. Beholding the Mirror of the Word with an unveiled face (2 Corinthians 3:18).
We can only know ourselves in the light of God’s word, through the personal revelation that we draw from Him.
We can only know ourselves in the light of God’s word, through the personal revelation that we draw from Him.
2. Fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 2:9-14)
3. Allowing God to work on us (going through the process of divine incubation). (Malachi 3:3, Luke 1:80)
Resident Pastor
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