Mark 3:13-15
Mark 3:13-15
The power of God flows endlessly (and without limitation) in His presence. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. May we experience the manifestation of God’s power.
The rubies of this world are nothing compared to God’s presence. The true riches of life are derived in His presence.
‘Oh that You would bless me indeed…’Real and sustainable blessings are secured and established in God’s presence (Psalm 16:11).
People who had personal encounter with Jesus became agents of transformation wherever they went to (Mark 5:18-20; Matthew 9:27-31).
The rubies of this world are nothing compared to God’s presence. The true riches of life are derived in His presence.
‘Oh that You would bless me indeed…’Real and sustainable blessings are secured and established in God’s presence (Psalm 16:11).
People who had personal encounter with Jesus became agents of transformation wherever they went to (Mark 5:18-20; Matthew 9:27-31).
God is meticulous about His work. Effective and creditable service in His kingdom (vineyard) requires consecration on our path (2 Tim. 2:19-22).
In Mark 3, Jesus went to the top of the mountain and called those He wanted and they went to Him. There is a generic call placed on everyone, which is the call of the Gospel…
However, there is a specific call which God places on people’s lives according to their God-given assignment.
May the Lord grant us the grace and power to yield this call, that we may walk in the perfect understanding of our prophetic assignment.
However, there is a specific call which God places on people’s lives according to their God-given assignment.
May the Lord grant us the grace and power to yield this call, that we may walk in the perfect understanding of our prophetic assignment.
He ordained twelve, whom He designated as apostles. These were appointed for three reasons:
1. To be with Him
Our foremost assignment is to be with Him, to abide in His presence. He has called us first, to a lifestyle of total submission to Him. It is in being with Him that we get empowered. Without tarrying in His presence, we can’t be endued with power…
Our foremost assignment is to be with Him, to abide in His presence. He has called us first, to a lifestyle of total submission to Him. It is in being with Him that we get empowered. Without tarrying in His presence, we can’t be endued with power…
2. To send them forth to preach
‘Sending forth’ here is a process of commissioning! The ones who had been thoroughly prepared (furnished) unto good works are now being deployed to preach. We receive strength and power to declare the kingdom of God with power in our generation.
‘Sending forth’ here is a process of commissioning! The ones who had been thoroughly prepared (furnished) unto good works are now being deployed to preach. We receive strength and power to declare the kingdom of God with power in our generation.
3. To empower them to heal sicknesses and to cast out devils
As the Word of God comes forth expressly, people (whose hearts had been prepared) receive the engrafted Word with meekness, healing breaks forth, yokes are broken, burdens are lifted…
As the Word of God comes forth expressly, people (whose hearts had been prepared) receive the engrafted Word with meekness, healing breaks forth, yokes are broken, burdens are lifted…
May we never portray a wrong perception of who Jesus Christ is, to our children, friends, siblings and everyone around us. Our lives will never be a misrepresentation of the person of Jesus!
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we walk in the manifestation of greater works, as we continuously dwell in His presence… (John 14:12; Acts 1:8; Acts 10:38).
Resident Pastor