Matt 6:31-34
Matt 6:31-34
When we talk about a kingdom, we talk about a king’s domain. In every kingdom, there is a royal family, a domain/terrain. A kingdom is where a king presides over the affairs of the kingdom. Also, there is a constitution, and there are rights, duties and privileges- things that set the kingdom running. In every kingdom, there is also a territorial expansion plan.
The kingdom of God talks about the reign and supremacy of the kingdom of God; where God’s power and resources reside.
Investment is the act of engaging in activities that are expected to yield results; even much more than what is invested. For every investment, there is an expected reward or profit.
Christ is the King of kings and the Lord of lords and He has also made us kings and priests even unto our God (Rev 1:4-6, Rev 5:9-10, 1st Peter 2:9).
Prov. 25:2: As kings, we have the mind of Christ to dig out or search out the hidden things (Deut. 29:29). There are privileges and secrets that are accessible to people that are the partakers of this kingdom.
Kingdom Investments are private investments that yield public dividends (Matt 6:4). God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him (Heb. 11:6b, Jer. 29:13).
How do you seek God diligently? It is by seeking God first. It is good to have the encounter with Jesus. However, it is dangerous to get stuck in the encounter and shut the real person (Jesus Christ) out of your life.
How do you seek God diligently? It is by seeking God first. It is good to have the encounter with Jesus. However, it is dangerous to get stuck in the encounter and shut the real person (Jesus Christ) out of your life.
How do I invest in the Kingdom of God?
1. Prayer – You cannot experience the Kingdom of God without prayer (Matt 6:6). When you enter your closet to pray, be sure to shut the door of your heart against distractions and speak to your Father. It is a dual mode of communication.
It was during prayer, that Abraham received from God.
God remembered the prayer of Abraham and spared Lot (Gen 19:29). Intercessory prayers are a necessity and not an option.
It was during prayer, that Abraham received from God.
God remembered the prayer of Abraham and spared Lot (Gen 19:29). Intercessory prayers are a necessity and not an option.
2. Fasting- Matt 6:16. This is not the type of fasting that is done to attract public attention. Such is not acceptable to God, neither does it attract heavenly reward. You also do not fast to kill your enemy. We fast to humble ourselves in the presence of God (Isa. 58).
3. Giving – Cultivating a lifestyle of giving to God and to the needy. Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; acknowledge Him in all your ways… it is then that you can truly honour the Lord with your substance…
It portrays a lifestyle of honour to God.
Your life, time and resources cannot be ‘acceptable giving’ to God if your heart is not right with God. People excuse themselves from God’s blessings because they receive junk messages about the principle of giving. A lifestyle of giving is a lifestyle of worship.
Abel gave unto God by faith, and through this, he was able to manifest the fruit of the Spirit – a more excellent way (love).
Giving to the needy is a way of showcasing the love of God and towards people.
It portrays a lifestyle of honour to God.
Your life, time and resources cannot be ‘acceptable giving’ to God if your heart is not right with God. People excuse themselves from God’s blessings because they receive junk messages about the principle of giving. A lifestyle of giving is a lifestyle of worship.
Abel gave unto God by faith, and through this, he was able to manifest the fruit of the Spirit – a more excellent way (love).
Giving to the needy is a way of showcasing the love of God and towards people.
4. Service – Serve the Lord, your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:40).
Remember now your creator in the days of your youth (Eccl. 12:1). You can invest your strength, vigour, time and youthfulness in selfless service to God.
Remember now your creator in the days of your youth (Eccl. 12:1). You can invest your strength, vigour, time and youthfulness in selfless service to God.
5. Work with diligence – God blesses the work of your hands. Working is a means of fashioning your life after the order of the Father (John 5:17, Eccl.9:10, Prov. 10:4, Prov. 12:24, Prov. 6:6, Prov. 22:29).
6. Invest in the Word of God- Kingdom investors commit themselves to the Word of God (Josh. 1:8, Psa. 1:1-3). There is always a starting point. Keep trying and you would get better at it. When your life is guided by the word of God, you get to a moment that God speaks to you directly through the Scriptures.
7. Reach out to people about the love of God. Spread the gist! Preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to all and sundry. Don’t be ashamed! (Romans 1:16-17).
The power and the grace to walk with God and have access to kingdom resources, God grants to us in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.
Resident Pastor