As we already know, preparation sets the pace for promotion (exaltation) in life. Success in marriage, business, career and ministry is a by-product of adequate preparation.
Was David a lucky man? What about Joseph, was he lucky? What about Saul, the first king of Israel, was he unlucky?
In 1 Samuel 10:1-8, we saw the set of divine instructions given to Saul by Samuel, the man of God. These divinely inspired instructions were meant to prepare him for days and years ahead, in the kingdom, yet he blew up this God-given opportunity by his lack of preparation, unwillingness to yield and persistent insensitivity to the things of God (1 Samuel 12:20-25).
In the day of battle, there was no smith found to deploy the raw materials needed for the production of swords and spears in Israel, neither was there sword nor was any spear found in the land, under the reign of Saul, except with Saul and his son, Jonathan (1 Samuel 13:19-22; Judges 5:8).
All he could produce were men of ease, vain surface men, who lacked spiritual substance, mighty in words and appearance, but bereft of Godly character (lacking the spiritual sword, the Word of God).
They might be sharp looking, well outspoken, having a great command of speech… Having a form of goodliness, but denying the power thereof… (2 Timothy 3:5).
Brother Saul, you have just been commissioned for a heavenly assignment and guess what? You have the necessary raw materials needed to carry out the assignment successfully (1 Samuel 9:15-17; 10:3-4).
May we never fail God in the delivery of our assignment…
David on the other hand, was able to train the feeble and obscure men who came to him. They were about four hundred men, with additional two hundred men who later joined his team. They later became mighty and valiant men (1 Samuel 22:1-2; 25:13).
God takes no pleasure in the squandering of heavenly resources. He will not give that which is holy to the dogs, nor will He cast His pearls (of great price) before the swine… (Matt. 7:6). Furthermore, God’s chosen vessels must remain pure and holy…
The Lord resists the proud and engraces/uplifts the humble. Hence, through spiritual grooming and adequate preparation, the vessel can develop a Godly patterned lifestyle, such that they remain simple, God fearing, modest and level headed, in spite of their achievements and the level of greatness they experience in life…
Resident Pastor
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