There is a saying that “as the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the world in which we live…”
The church is a reflection of the family, even so is the society at large.
God takes special interest in the building of a Christian home because God knows that if the family can be captured, the church and the world at large will be captured for His kingdom.
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them – Matthew 18:20
Admonition to the men (fathers) – Ephesians 5:25-29; 1 Peter 3:7
The man is the pillar of the home.
He provides a covering for his home (spiritual and physical)
The man is to love his wife as Christ loved the church. He should give himself (his time, money, trust, etc) to his wife.
The man is the pillar of the home.
He provides a covering for his home (spiritual and physical)
The man is to love his wife as Christ loved the church. He should give himself (his time, money, trust, etc) to his wife.
He should be the priest of the house – He should be committed to cleansing his wife and his household spiritually from time to time, through the Word of God.
He must take the lead – Leadership by example (nurturing her to an acceptable spiritual level in the sight of God)
He must love her the same way he loves himself……He that loves his wife loves himself.
He must dwell with her according to knowledge and wisdom (with patience).
He must give honour unto his wife, in spite of her weaknesses.
He must give honour unto his wife, in spite of her weaknesses.
Admonition to the women (mothers) – Ephesians 5:22-24; 1 Peter 3:1-6
The woman is the builder of the home.
The woman is the builder of the home.
She must submit unto her husband as unto the Lord. The husband is God’s representative in the home. The honour you will give to the Lord, give it to him also. If you can’t honour your husband, you can’t honour the Lord.
He is a type of Christ in the home.
You are under his covering; you must subject yourself unto him in everything.
You are under his covering; you must subject yourself unto him in everything.
Even if your husband is not God-fearing, he can be won over, through Godly attitude and conversation.
Cherish the things that God cherishes; don’t over-indulge yourself in mundane things of the world.
You don’t necessarily have to call him lord, but behave to him as unto the Lord.
Tips on how to build a Godly home
– Let Jesus be the King and the Lord of your home
– Family devotion (pray and read the Bible together)
– Be honest with each other/one another
– Develop and exercise forbearance (Colossians 3:12-15)
– Let your love and attention be centred around your family
– Let love prevail….. (Love is the platform on which we build anything that has to do with God. If it must succeed, it must be rooted in love………God is love!)
– Let Jesus be the King and the Lord of your home
– Family devotion (pray and read the Bible together)
– Be honest with each other/one another
– Develop and exercise forbearance (Colossians 3:12-15)
– Let your love and attention be centred around your family
– Let love prevail….. (Love is the platform on which we build anything that has to do with God. If it must succeed, it must be rooted in love………God is love!)
Resident pastor