A New and Good name.
Prov 22 vs 1 and 4. If we here are asked to make a choice between a good name and riches, what would be our choice?
Billy Graham once said” if you lose wealth, you have lost nothing, if you lose health you have lost something, but if you lose a good name, you have lost everything.
Let us all struggle to have and preserve a good name. It is more important than silver and gold.
Take the example of Joseph who denied the pleasure of having Potiphar’s wife and preserved his good name and integrity. Also Job had integrity and refused to curse God. Anywhere you are protect your good name.
2nd Tim 2vs 19. Eph 5vs 27.
Let’s keep away from iniquity as it can rob us of a good name.
Many of us are after power, but power without purity is nothing.
Prayer- Father give me the grace to choose a good name above riches and to act accordingly, Amen
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