1.‘Crown of glory’ here implies that your living and lifestyle will bring glory, honour and splendour to the Lord.
2.    We will be unto the Lord, a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation……
1 Peter 2:9
In Malachi 3:17, the Lord said the righteous will be His own special treasure
(jewels), even in the time of judgment.

3.    Crown and diadem signify royalty (kingship).
He has made us kings and priests unto God…… (Rev. 1:6; 5:10)
You shall be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord……a royal diadem in the
hand of your God…..
Just the same way a King will not allow his crown to be used, trampled upon or
taken away, the Lord will keep, cherish and protect you…
Zech 9:16 – you will be lifted up as an ensign (an ensign is a symbol, flag,
standard, a sign and a wonder….)

4.    You shall no longer be termed ‘Forsaken’… (Psalm 74:9)
A forsaken land (life) is one which lacks the light (life) of God….
Where there is no vision (or revelation), people perish (cast off restraint)Prov. 29:18
Henceforth, you shall no longer be forsaken, in the name of Jesus Christ!

…Neither shall your land any more be termed ‘Desolate’
‘Desolate’ implies bareness. It signifies lack of fruitfulness (non-productivity).
Isaiah 54:1
Henceforth, the yoke of bareness is broken in your life, in the name of Jesus Christ! (Isaiah 10:27)
You shall be called ‘Hephzibah’ – ‘My delight is in her’
Your land shall be called ‘Beulah’ – ‘Married’



Love the Lord your God and showcase the love through your obedience to His

commandments (John 14:15, 21-23).

Show the love of God to your neighbour (John 14:34-35)

On these two commandments hang the all the law and the prophets (Matt 22:40)


If you must be a worthy vessel in the hand of the Master, if you will command

great exploits for the Kingdom of God, you must humble yourself before God (Prov.29:23, Luke 14:11, Matt 23:12; James 4:10).

Moses commanded great exploit, yet he was referred to as the meekest man in the

face of the earth (Numbers 12:3).

Integrity occurs when your ‘good works’ align with your ‘good thoughts’.

David said ‘let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart…’ (Psalm

19:14, Prov. 11:3, 20:7)

Someone defined holiness as ‘becoming like Jesus’.

Holiness implies being set apart (consecrated). It implies perfection (striving

towards perfection) before God (Matt 5:48; 1 Peter 1:16).

Holiness is being a true representative/ambassador of Christ when no one is


5. DWELLING IN HIS PRESENCE (Psalm 65:4-5; Psalm 91:1)

People who cherish the presence of the Lord will always manifest His glory. Their

lives will always reflect the glory of the Lord.

(Abraham, Joseph, David, etc)

                             PASTOR NATHANIEL SADELA
                                        Resident pastor

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