Ecclesiastes 10:16-17
The word effective implies that someone or something is successful in producing a desired or intended result. In other words, effectiveness could also be measured in terms of the degree to which an actual result meets up with the expected result.
We can also agree that people, programs, events or endeavours are effective when they are successful, productive, fruitful, functional, useful, valuable, beneficial, etc…
The Bible encourages us not to lag in diligence, but to be fervent in the spirit, in our service unto the Lord (Romans 12:11).
We cannot serve the Lord effectively without gladness, neither can we sing unto Him without joy (Psalm 100:2).
With joy you will draw water from the springs of salvation (Isaiah 12:3).
The ideal picture of an effective person is that of a man or woman who has the joy of the Lord radiating or bubbling up from their hearts. Such people will always produce a positive impact in the lives of others. Whatever they do, they do it in absolute service and honour to the Lord, such that it adds tremendous value to other people’s lives, to the glory of God…
In our anchor text for today’s message, we see two categories of people: the child and the son.
The child pictures the lifestyle of the foolish – people at ease, irresponsible and lazy (slothful) people…
The son pictures the lifestyle of the wise (prudent), responsible, industrious and diligent people.
As we look further into this, let’s examine three parameters here:
Children feast on consumables – material resources, things that have no eternal value, things that attract the praise and honour of men.
Sons of noble men feast on the things that promote the kingdom of God. Their desire day and night is to do the will of the Father and to fulfil it (1 John 2:15-17; John 4:34).
Children live by the bread of material acquisition (the uncertain riches of this world), while men live by the Bread of Life (Matt. 4:4; John 6:27, 35, 51-58).
Children are insensitive to the time of life. They feast in the ‘morning’ period of their lives, when they are supposed to be fasting. At the crucial time of their lives (marriage, business, career, ministry, etc.), when they are supposed to be gathering resources, they squander their God-given resources on riotous living…
People of Godly character (matured and discerning) are sensitive enough to understand that right from the ‘morning’ aspect of their lives, they must key in to God’s agenda for their lives. They know when to feast and when to fast (Matt. 6:11; Luke 11:3). They understand the times and seasons (1 Chro. 12:32).
Children feast for drunkenness. Even though they would sometimes do some things that appear good and honourable in the sight of men, those things are borne out of an impure motive (Luke 16:15).
People of discernment feast for strength. Everything they do is borne out of a pure motive and upright heart (Heb. 5:13-14).
God’s intention for us is to live an effective life. He has given unto us, all things that pertain to life and godliness…
Receive grace to live effectively, that you may be a channel of blessing in your domain of influence!
Resident Pastor
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