Bible reading: Matt.9:35-38
· Divine healing is one of the most appreciated promises of God. The Old Testament records many occasions of healing by God’s power.
– While Jesus was also on earth, the major element of His ministry was divine healing to all who looked to Him with the heart of faith. Acts 10:38
– These miraculous healings continued among the New Testament Apostles and other believers who worked in faith. Act. 5:14-16
· Divine healing is received through faith, but most of those seeking healing overlook another important way to access God’s divine healing touch; which is “approaching the throne of mercy” Ps.6:2-4
– The Psalmist understood that pleading for the mercy of God is a powerful way to receive divine healing from God.
· Jesus healed a lot of people as a response to the word “Lord Have Mercy On Me”.
– Two things played out here, firstly, they attracted Jesus’ attention by pleading on His mercy and secondly, they believed with faith in their heartto receive healing.
· The story of the Canaanite woman who Jesus commended as having great faith got the attention of Jesus by pleading for Mercy even when she didn’t deserve it.
· Our faith must appeal to the Mercy of God for divine healing to take place.
– Whether you deserve divine healing really does not matter. Approach Jesus by pleading on His Mercy
As you plead for Mercy, the Mercy of God will speak on your behalf in Jesus Christ name.
· The best way to access the divine healing is through the Mercy of God
– Many times people have gained access by first calling out for His mercy.
· In Luke 1:5-7 (Bishop, Pastor) Priest Zacharias and his wife (Prophetess) Elizabeth had a long standing relationship with God and for many years there was no child to show for it.
· But when the child finally came, neighbours, cousin and relatives could only say this is Great Mercy from the Lord and not their long years in the place of service.
Luke 1:57-58
It doesn’t matter how long you have been serving and expecting, as you plead on His mercy today, God will show great mercy to you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Heb.4:15-16(KJV and British New Int’l Version)
· In this sinful and perverse world of ours, we constantly battle with weakness on spiritual matters because of the cares of this world.
– Jesus became man and even without sin he experienced human weakness and a desperate need for survival. Remember the Bible records that Jesus was “tempted of the devil” (Matt.4:1); he was hungry (Matt.4:2); and “wept” for the sake of man (John 11:35), etc.
– Are you feeling weak, down casted or without hope, etc.? Just come and plead on His mercy and He will look to your direction with His divine healing power.
· God wants his mercy (compassion) to be part of our healing testimony. Rom.9:15
· The Mercy of God is a platform that gives an uninterrupted access to both believers and unbelievers Matt.9:11-13
· Mercy is an access created by Jesus for anyone who can call on His name John 6:37
· Are you ready to become a vessel of the expression of God’s mercy?
– Divine healing is very much available if you can plead on the Mercy of God
In Conclusion
– The situation of the land may have brought the wrath and anger of God,
– Our life may not be too pleasing to God
– Our lives even though might display some form of righteousness and much of service but may still lack the abiding presence of God.
– In all, by your mercy and grace, heal my land, heal my situation, heal my predicament in Jesus name.
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