Readings: Gen. 3:1 -10
God created man in His own image. He made man to enjoy all the good things He had created for him. God’s plan for the man He made was to have dominion and rule over everything we now struggle to get. Jer. 29: 11
For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome (Amp.).
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope ( NLT).
Sin changed the plan of God for man
Man lost the dominion mandate God gave him hence, the struggle for survival.
Gen. 3: 13 – 19
God’s plans to restore man to dominion position throughout all ages
Ø Firstly, through Adam and Eve. Gen. 3:21, Leviticus 17:11 Gen. 3:15, 22-24
Ø Secondly, through Noah. Gen. 6:5 – 9
Ø Thirdly, through Abraham. Gen. 12:1-2 , 6-7
Ø Through Jacob (also known as Israel).
Ø Moses through the nation Israel.
Ø The prophets and high priests. Lev. 16:34, Heb. 10:4
Ø Lastly, through our Lord Jesus Christ (the last Adam). Heb. 9:28., 1Pet. 2:24
What is the Dominion mandate? – Gen. 1:26 – 31
Ø Fruitfulness
Ø Replenishment
Ø Rule ship
Ø Gaining control.
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