Wisdom is the principal thing (Prov. 4:7). The Bible urges us to seek wisdom above every other thing in life. It is more precious than all the rubies of the world (Prov. 3:15, 8:11).
The Bible says ‘Wisdom is a tree of life to those who take hold of her; those who hold her fast will be blessed’ (Prov. 3:18).
Wisdom is better than foolishness, just as light is better than darkness (Eccl.2:13).
Proverbs 30:24-28
Wisdom is the principal thing (Prov. 4:7). The Bible urges us to seek wisdom above every other thing in life. It is more precious than all the rubies of the world (Prov. 3:15, 8:11).
The Bible says ‘Wisdom is a tree of life to those who take hold of her; those who hold her fast will be blessed’ (Prov. 3:18).
Wisdom is better than foolishness, just as light is better than darkness (Eccl.2:13).
We want to consider four (4) small creatures, which are exceedingly wise:-
1. The ants – in spite of their weakness(es), they prepare their food in the time of summer (ahead of the winter season). This implies that they are given to strategic planning, i.e. they plan ahead. It also means that they are diligent (assiduous, industrious and fervent). – Prov. 6:6-9.
God knows about your weaknesses, yet He doesn’t expect you to use those weaknesses as excuse for failure. Through diligence, you can ensure your calling and election. Through diligence, you can work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Through diligence, you can stir up and release the gifts that have been deposited in you.
2. The rock badgers (also called conies or hyraxes)– these are feeble folks, yet, they leverage on their weakness and vulnerability, to build their house on the rock. They are indeed wise! (Matt. 7:24-25).
These folks are able to convert their weaknesses to strength through determination. They latch-on to grace and mercy desperately, for the fulfilment of purpose.
What a great wisdom it is to see and to reckon with our own weakness!
Knowledge and acceptance of our own indigence, emptiness and feebleness should drive us to God, for divine provision, protection and sustenance.
There is a potential strength in every weakness. God can turn your weakness around for your own good, and for the profiting of your generation (1 Cor. 1:26-29).
These folks are able to convert their weaknesses to strength through determination. They latch-on to grace and mercy desperately, for the fulfilment of purpose.
What a great wisdom it is to see and to reckon with our own weakness!
Knowledge and acceptance of our own indigence, emptiness and feebleness should drive us to God, for divine provision, protection and sustenance.
There is a potential strength in every weakness. God can turn your weakness around for your own good, and for the profiting of your generation (1 Cor. 1:26-29).
3. The locusts – these folks have no king, yet, they are well organized and purpose-driven in all their endeavours. Discipline is their watch-word! God called them His great army (Joel 2:25).
Are you organized in your private life, career, business, marriage, ministry, etc?
Are you given to such personal discipline in your life?
As people of God, are we allowing God to create structures that will enhance growth (spiritual, numerical, financial) in our lives/church?
Be disciplined! You cannot drive others unless you drive yourself first. Allow the Word of God to bear rule over your life. Organize your life!
Psalm 37:23; 1 Cor. 14:40.
As people of God, we must operate in the spirit of oneness (Psalm 133:1-3).
Are you organized in your private life, career, business, marriage, ministry, etc?
Are you given to such personal discipline in your life?
As people of God, are we allowing God to create structures that will enhance growth (spiritual, numerical, financial) in our lives/church?
Be disciplined! You cannot drive others unless you drive yourself first. Allow the Word of God to bear rule over your life. Organize your life!
Psalm 37:23; 1 Cor. 14:40.
As people of God, we must operate in the spirit of oneness (Psalm 133:1-3).
4. The Spider (also called lizard in some translations) – in spite of its weakness, this creature knows how to leverage on its God-given abilities, to get to greater heights. Spiders are seen everywhere, even in kings’ palaces. They are very industrious and skilful in weaving their webs.
A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.
Have you discovered your God-given gifts, skills, abilities, talents, endowments…? Look within; you don’t have to go looking for what God has not given you…
Stir up the gifts of God which are in you! Cultivate the gifts by putting them to use, for the advancement of God’s kingdom.
You can cultivate your gift in the place of service (Ex. 31:1-6). Consequently, the Lord will bring you before great men! You will stand before kings and not before mean men…
A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.
Have you discovered your God-given gifts, skills, abilities, talents, endowments…? Look within; you don’t have to go looking for what God has not given you…
Stir up the gifts of God which are in you! Cultivate the gifts by putting them to use, for the advancement of God’s kingdom.
You can cultivate your gift in the place of service (Ex. 31:1-6). Consequently, the Lord will bring you before great men! You will stand before kings and not before mean men…
How can I access wisdom?
1. Through the Word of God – Psalm 119:98-104; 2 Tim. 3:15
2. The Fear of God – Psalm 111:10; Prov. 9:10
3. Walking with the wise – Prov. 13:20
Resident Pastor
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