An expression of approval and commendation.
Offering words of homage as an act of worship.
Why should we praise him?
v He is worthy of our praise Ps 18:3, Rev5:11-12
v We are called to praise Him 1pet 2:5, Ps 150:6
v It brings God’s presence Ps 22:3
v Praise defeats our enemy Ps 8:2
v Because we are alive Ps 150 :6
v Because He is faithful
v Because He is our maker
v He is God
v That is the only thing we can give Him (God inhibit the praise of His people)
How to praise God
v With my voice Ps 63: 3, Act 16:25
v With my body Ps 63 : 4
v With music Ps 150 3-5
v With my life 1 cor 10 : 31
Result of praise
v It brings God’s blessing
v Your miracle becomes permanent
v Your enemies kill themselves
v Your wall of Jericho falls down
v It quickens your request
v It confuses your enemies
Resident Pastor