GRACE for the RACE
Matt 25:1-13
The Bible says that we should run with diligence, the race that is set before us and that we must run to obtain the prize.
Moreover, grace has been given to everyone according to the measure of Christ’s gift (Eph. 4:7).
It is only through the grace of God that you can run your race effectively and successfully.
By grace, we become partakers of God’s holy nature.
Even under the old testament, some people found grace in the sight of God…these were people like Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, etc.
This was a fore taste of the new testament which ushered in grace in abundance (John 1:16).
In every generation, God distinguishes His own people from others, for a specific purpose or assignment, by grace.
Moses tried to run the race with the arm of the flesh, but it back-fired.
He could only start out after he had been seasoned with grace.
In order for Joshua to accomplish what Moses had started, he needed grace – the grace to finish strong!
Grace doesn’t just come, it is released in the place of preparation (in the secret place of the Most High) – Exodus 33:11
Grace enables you to take ownership of your God-given inheritance (Psalm 84:11).
Some lessons to draw from the parable of the 10 virgins:
1. Everyone called into the kingdom of God is chosen through the election of grace.
2. Having started in grace, we need much more grace to finish strong.
3. It takes divine wisdom to leverage on the grace that has been made available.
A pictorial example was given in Zech. 4:1-14
Another example of grace was found in Matt. 25:14-30, the parable of the talent.
This teaches us that everyone has been endowed with some measure of grace. Don’t bury your God-given resources, cultivate them, maximize them, and a glorious destiny awaits you.
God expects us to be fruitful in whatever situation we find ourselves.
Don’t look for what is not lost. Don’t go about in life with beggarly attitude.
Leverage on what God has deposited within you. Leverage on grace! (Eph. 3:20).
When you carry grace, even afflictions, tribulations and trials work for your good (Romans 8:18; 2 Cor. 4:17).
The race is not to the swift,
The battle is not to the strong,
Bread is not to the wise,
Riches are not to men of understanding,
Favour is not to men of skill,
But time and chance happen to them all (Eccl. 9:11).
It is grace that enables you to win.
Identify the grace of God in your life and leverage on it, to fulfill God’s purpose for your life. Henceforth, grace will speak for you in the name of Jesus Christ.
Resident Pastor
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