Luke 14:7-11
There are some spiritual developmental processes that God wants to take you through (whilst you dwell in the lower realm) in order to bring you into the place of greatness.
When provision shows up before adequate pruning and preparation, abuse is inevitable…
This is the picture of a man who is willing to yield the totality of his life and whole being to God as a living sacrifice (a reasonable service) – Romans 12:1.
He that exalts himself will be abased, and he that humbles himself will be exalted (Matt. 23:12).
Luke 14:7-11
To humble yourself is to bring yourself under the hand of God, allowing divine process to take its due course in your life. It requires possessing the mind of Christ (Phil. 2:5-8).
Jesus, being the Lord of all, still had to wait until the time appointed by the Father before stepping into His ministry. He still went through baptism, was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil…
He was made a little lower than the angels (Heb. 2:8-9).
Many people desire exaltation in life but they are never willing to submit themselves to divine process. They don’t want to dwell under the refinery process that God wants to put them through, which is inevitable for everyone to go through at some point in their lives.
The earlier you humble yourself to God’s pruning process, the better it is for you. Even when others despise, mock or ride over you, these could be some of the processes He would take you through, before bringing you into your wealthy place (Psalm 66:10-12).
In Proverbs 25:6-7, the Bible says ‘Put not forth thyself…’
This implies that many times, we just want to show up before the appointed time, we just want to get running without being ‘summoned’ by the Father to ‘come up hither’.
There are some spiritual developmental processes that God wants to take you through (whilst you dwell in the lower realm) in order to bring you into the place of greatness.
In Luke 14:7-11, Jesus saw the way everyone was looking out for the best seats in the event He was invited to. Everybody wanted to be at high-table, sitting close to the chairman of the event…
Here are some key points to note in this parable:
1. This parable is practically applicable to everyone invited into the kingdom of God.
2. The desire to be acknowledged and celebrated amongst men is prevalent in the church, as much as it is in the world (John 5:44; 12:43).
3. Life is in phases and stages! Let God perfect His work in you before presenting you forth for a higher place (1 Peter 5:6).
When provision shows up before adequate pruning and preparation, abuse is inevitable…
4. No one is indispensable in the vineyard… God is not a respecter of persons!
‘Lest a more honourable man than you be bidden…’
‘Lest a more honourable man than you be bidden…’
This is the picture of a man who is willing to yield the totality of his life and whole being to God as a living sacrifice (a reasonable service) – Romans 12:1.
What to do…
Go down! Go and sit down in the lowest room…
Here, the Lord sits upon your life as He takes you through the incubation process. This stage is strategic to making a full proof of your ministry (calling).
Here, the Lord sits upon your life as He takes you through the incubation process. This stage is strategic to making a full proof of your ministry (calling).
…When he that appoints you comes, that he may say unto you, Go up higher!
Wait until the time appointed by the Father.
Wait until the time appointed by the Father.
Absolute compliance and total obedience to the ways of God will make you a friend of God (John 15:14-15).
He that exalts himself will be abased, and he that humbles himself will be exalted (Matt. 23:12).
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