Text: Act 3:1-11
God is the almighty whose power and actions transcend the natural. All He does is done in a supernatural manner. And as God’s children, we are also expected to operate in the supernatural.
Power to operate in the supernatural is the covenant right of every believer. If Apostle Peter or Paul can do it, we can do even much more. Jesus said, verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater [works] than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. (John 14:12)
Dictionary meaning of supernatural ascertains that, “it is that which departs from the usual or normal especially as to appear to transcend the laws of nature. It is relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe, especially relating to God.
In my own definition, I will like to see supernatural as “more than what can be handled naturally. It is working out something in a higher dimension than nature (natural ability) can do. It is a divine intervention on nature.
Let me quickly point out here that no one can operate in the supernatural if he/she does not have relationship with God. Acting in the supernatural is the “bread of children, it is not meant for dog”
1. New birth – John 3:3; 3:5; 2Cor. 5:17
The first step to operating in the supernatural is to become born again, or to have a new birth experience. You have to be strengthened by the spirit of Christ through your new birth experience before you can do all things – Phil. 4:13
2. Love of God – John 14:21,
The love of God and love for His work must be in our heart. We must be able to love God with everything we possess if we must operate in the supernatural. The condition of our heart to God matters to Him –Matt. 22:37.
3. Do not be fearful / Be bold – Rom. 8:15; 2Tim. 1:7
If we must operate in the supernatural, all fear must be banished. Fear is one of the things that the devil uses to rob Christians their God-given miracles. From the anchor text above, it took great faith and boldness for Peter and john to heal the cripple man at the beautiful gate.
4. Faith in God – Heb. 11:32 – 34; John 14:12
Faith is very important to operate in the supernatural. Without faith no one can receive anything from God. Someone talks faith as being “risky to exercise but much riskier to ignore”. There can never be the release of supernatural if there is no faith. Heb. 11:6
5. Have consistent prayer life – Acts 4:31; Mark 17:21
Prayer is a powerful tool in the hand of believers to bringing the supernatural power of God to any situation. God desires that we call upon Him and promises to answer us at any time we call. – Jer. 29 12
6. Spend time in the word of God – Josh. 1:8; Psm. 119:105,; 1:1-3
It the word of God that actually cause the supernatural power of God to move. Before God does anything, He first sends His word. The word of God is the strength of supernatural power of God.
7. Living a life of worship and praise unto God – Acts 16:25-26; 2Chr. 5:13-14;
When God knows that the purpose of your craving for the release or operating in the supernatural is to give him the glory, He will endow you with the grace to operate in it.
God is the giver of all good things of life, He is much more willing to give us much more than we are willing to take if we trust Him. There is nothing God cannot us again if He can release His only begotten son. Rom. 8:3.
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1 comment
God bless you sir, the message is spiritually awakening…