Theme: James 1:1-8
·      The scripture this morning states that, as born-again Christians, we are bound to go through trails and temptations.
·      Throughout the Bible, we saw people who turned their defeat into victory and their trials into triumph
·      They moved from being VICTIMS to becoming VICTORS
·      Whether we are dealing with trails on the outside or temptations on the inside, through faith in Christ Jesus we can experience victory. Ps.34:19 
·      David had his Saul, Elijah his Jezebel; Paul his Alexander; Daniel his lion’s den; Jacob had his father-in-law; and Jesus had his Judas Iscariot, the priest and the Israelite
·      As Christians, we also have issues we deal with that challenges our salvation and our faith in Christ Jesus
·      Some of which may appear in form of problems, pressures, pains, and persecutions
·      Trials, temptations or tribulations may be regarded as;
       anything that distracts us from our focus on God
       anything that detours us from our service for God
       anything that drains us of our driving passion for God
1.    Count It All Joy James 1:2
·      The Bible did not say “if” but “when”, this is because Christians must expect trials
·      Consider what Jesus Christ said in John 16:33 and Paul also confirming this in Acts 14:22
·      This means that our trial and temptation is Biblical
       The trial may not be the same but it will surely come.
·      Some trials come simply because we are human. i.e sickness, disappointment or even death of loved one
       Other trials come simply because we gave our lives to Christ. 1Peter 4:12-13, 2Tim.3:12.
·      Because Satan fights us, and the world opposes us, we can expect trials. Eph.6:12
Ø Our response as Christians is to immediately thank God and adopt a joyful attitude. “COUNT IT ALL JOY!” (Count your Blessings)
This was the attitude of the apostles in Acts 5:41  and also the early Christians in 1Peter1:7
·      “The right knowledge concerning the value of trials makes it possible to have a joyful attitude…”
       Simply thank God and adopt a joyful attitude. Why? Because of what verse 3 says
2.    Patiently Put Your Faith To Work James 1:3
·      We must understand that trials and temptations appear just to test our faith and when our faith is tested, it brings out the best in us. 2Cor.4:17
·      Christians must know that Trials and temptations work for us, not AGAINST us.
       Trails rightly used help us to overcome.
       Just as fire purifies Gold, just as training makes an athlete stronger,
       Trails and temptations builds and strengthens our faith.1Peter 1:7   
Ø Faith Tested Produces “PATIENCE”… Rom.5:3-4    
·      Patient in this context, is not passive acceptance of circumstances, but the ability to exhibit;
       courage in the face of suffering
       Moving forward even when it is rough
·         These can only be achieved through patiently gathering of experience during trial and temptation.
·      There is an adage that says “When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade out of it!
·      To really get positive result from trail and temptation, we must also obey the third principle which is found in verse 4
3.    Let Your Patience Be Perfected in Christ Jesus James1:4
·      To truly turn trail into triumph, we must master the act of being “PATIENT”      
       Rather than grumble and complain, patiently discover for yourselfhow to overcome and bury your trail to avoid rising up the second time
·       Paul did excellently well under his own trial so must we as Christians. 2Cor.12:7-9
·      Paul understood that his sound theological experience as a lawyer may cause his doom if God do not humble him
       Do you understand why you are going through your trails and temptations?
·      When “PATIENT” has had an opportunity to work, it produces maturity, humility, longsuffering, contentment, perfection, etc.
       “PATIENT” gives full maturity and understanding to spiritual matters
       You are no longer “Babes” but a fully grown man in Christ Jesus
Ø Becoming a matured long distant runner for Christ requires letting PATIENT do its work
       Allow God to properly groom you in the closet
       To run the race well spiritually, we must be willing to endure
       Endurance is needed when trial put our faith to test
4.    Ask God for the Wisdom To Overcome James1:5-8
·      Letting PATIENCE have its perfect work is not easy, it requires a lot of wisdom which enables us to see the value of our trials.
·      If any man lack WISDOM, let him ask from God
       He promised to give it liberally, He will not reproach us for asking
       As Solomon’s request for WISDOM was pleasing to God, so is anyone’s request will be more than pleasing to Him.
·      WISDOM will produces the ability to properly use the information and facts gathered in studying the word of God in a more efficient way
Ø The WISDOM to properly turn our trials to Triumph in building up our faith is in the WORD of God
       The WISDOM to properly apply His word can be received in the place of prayer
·      The Power and the grace to seek the OWNER of wisdom more than anything, may the Lord grant it to us.
In Conclusion:
·      What are the words of God that comes out of your mouth when going through trials and temptations? Rev.12:11, Rom.8:28
·      There is a purpose why you are called, God want to test you to know if you truly fit into the Purpose. 2Tim.3:17
·      God want you to be perfect, thoroughly and fully equipped unto every good works.

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