Theme: James 1:1-8
· The scripture this morning states that, as born-again Christians, we are bound to go through trails and temptations.
· Throughout the Bible, we saw people who turned their defeat into victory and their trials into triumph
· They moved from being VICTIMS to becoming VICTORS
· Whether we are dealing with trails on the outside or temptations on the inside, through faith in Christ Jesus we can experience victory. Ps.34:19
· David had his Saul, Elijah his Jezebel; Paul his Alexander; Daniel his lion’s den; Jacob had his father-in-law; and Jesus had his Judas Iscariot, the priest and the Israelite
· As Christians, we also have issues we deal with that challenges our salvation and our faith in Christ Jesus
· Some of which may appear in form of problems, pressures, pains, and persecutions
· Trials, temptations or tribulations may be regarded as;
– anything that distracts us from our focus on God
– anything that detours us from our service for God
– anything that drains us of our driving passion for God
1. Count It All Joy James 1:2
· The Bible did not say “if” but “when”, this is because Christians must expect trials
· Consider what Jesus Christ said in John 16:33 and Paul also confirming this in Acts 14:22
· This means that our trial and temptation is Biblical
– The trial may not be the same but it will surely come.
· Some trials come simply because we are human. i.e sickness, disappointment or even death of loved one
– Other trials come simply because we gave our lives to Christ. 1Peter 4:12-13, 2Tim.3:12.
· Because Satan fights us, and the world opposes us, we can expect trials. Eph.6:12
Ø Our response as Christians is to immediately thank God and adopt a joyful attitude. “COUNT IT ALL JOY!” (Count your Blessings)
This was the attitude of the apostles in Acts 5:41 and also the early Christians in 1Peter1:7
· “The right knowledge concerning the value of trials makes it possible to have a joyful attitude…”
– Simply thank God and adopt a joyful attitude. Why? Because of what verse 3 says
2. Patiently Put Your Faith To Work James 1:3
· We must understand that trials and temptations appear just to test our faith and when our faith is tested, it brings out the best in us. 2Cor.4:17
· Christians must know that Trials and temptations work for us, not AGAINST us.
– Trails rightly used help us to overcome.
– Just as fire purifies Gold, just as training makes an athlete stronger,
– Trails and temptations builds and strengthens our faith.1Peter 1:7
Ø Faith Tested Produces “PATIENCE”… Rom.5:3-4
· Patient in this context, is not passive acceptance of circumstances, but the ability to exhibit;
– courage in the face of suffering
– Moving forward even when it is rough
· These can only be achieved through patiently gathering of experience during trial and temptation.
· There is an adage that says “When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade out of it!“
· To really get positive result from trail and temptation, we must also obey the third principle which is found in verse 4
3. Let Your Patience Be Perfected in Christ Jesus James1:4
· To truly turn trail into triumph, we must master the act of being “PATIENT”
– Rather than grumble and complain, patiently discover for yourselfhow to overcome and bury your trail to avoid rising up the second time
· Paul did excellently well under his own trial so must we as Christians. 2Cor.12:7-9
· Paul understood that his sound theological experience as a lawyer may cause his doom if God do not humble him
– Do you understand why you are going through your trails and temptations?
· When “PATIENT” has had an opportunity to work, it produces maturity, humility, longsuffering, contentment, perfection, etc.
– “PATIENT” gives full maturity and understanding to spiritual matters
– You are no longer “Babes” but a fully grown man in Christ Jesus
Ø Becoming a matured long distant runner for Christ requires letting PATIENT do its work
– Allow God to properly groom you in the closet
– To run the race well spiritually, we must be willing to endure
– Endurance is needed when trial put our faith to test
4. Ask God for the Wisdom To Overcome James1:5-8
· Letting PATIENCE have its perfect work is not easy, it requires a lot of wisdom which enables us to see the value of our trials.
· If any man lack WISDOM, let him ask from God
– He promised to give it liberally, He will not reproach us for asking
– As Solomon’s request for WISDOM was pleasing to God, so is anyone’s request will be more than pleasing to Him.
· WISDOM will produces the ability to properly use the information and facts gathered in studying the word of God in a more efficient way
Ø The WISDOM to properly turn our trials to Triumph in building up our faith is in the WORD of God
– The WISDOM to properly apply His word can be received in the place of prayer
· The Power and the grace to seek the OWNER of wisdom more than anything, may the Lord grant it to us.
In Conclusion:
· What are the words of God that comes out of your mouth when going through trials and temptations? Rev.12:11, Rom.8:28
· There is a purpose why you are called, God want to test you to know if you truly fit into the Purpose. 2Tim.3:17
· God want you to be perfect, thoroughly and fully equipped unto every good works.