Job 1:1-8, Col. 3: 12-15
The word ‘Man of God’ is the descriptiongiven to a man that follows God in every way,
Gen 17:1
We may clearly say, one does not know in full what level of perfection God required from a ninety nine year old man when He asked that he should work before Him and the perfect.
But the qualities mentioned in the account of Job gave an idea to some of the things God considered for a man to be perfect before Him.
Job 1:8
· This therefore mean, for a man to qualify for perfection before God, such a man most position himself with certain character and qualities.
· Every man aspiring for greatness in life, career, business, academic, ministry usually position himself with certain qualification/certification that can make him eligible when the opportunity arises
· Same also God expect every believe to equip themselves with the needed qualities that will align them to their God giving purpose in readiness for the move of God
· God has been in the business of sorting out men and women whenever there is a new agenda or assignment for the world
– Mary met the requirement when the time came for the saviour to be born
– Elizabeth met the requirement when the time came for the fore runner to come
– Joseph met the requirement when the nation of Israel was going into extension as a result of famine, etc.
A man in Christ must be ever ready, one that daily meet the necessary requirement
A man in Christ must be….
1. He who obeys God with joy in his heart. 2Chr.25:2, Col. 3:22
2. A man in Christ does not live for the things of this life alone but must be conscious of eternity. Matt.6:33
3. A man in Christ must willingly serves his God in giving freely of all his resources. Acts 20:35
· Apostle Paul commended the Philippians of their love towards giving in Phil.4:15-16
· Can God commend you over anything, can you ask God to look into His record like King Hezekiah did?
· Consider the recommendation of people about Lydia
4. He who act justly, who act in love and mercy. Micah 6:8, John 15:11-12
5. He who walk humbly before God and keep is commandment. Duet. 11:13-15
6. He who gladly suffers as a consequence of his faith. 1Peter 5:10
A perfect man in Christ does not swindle, gossip or slander.
7. He keeps his or her mind and heart pure by guarding his eyes and ears from the filth of the world. Prov. 4:23
8. He is the spiritual leader of his family, Josh. 24:15
A perfect man in Christ must understand that his new nature is that of the righteousness of Christ which was exchanged for our sinful nature at the cross.
9. He therefore need to walk humbly with Christ and know that only Christ can preserve a man blameless to the very end. Phil. 3:9-10, 2Cor. 5:17,
As Christians of today, we lack many qualities needed to preserve us till the end
– What we exhibit is simply religion. We have necessary awareness to all biblical doctrines, theological terms and even able to translate the Bible from the original Greek and so onbut what Christ demand from us is the HEART to DO and not just to know
James 1:23-25
In conclusion
The principle God requires from any man in Christ is to be positioned for every move of God
– Uprightness before God by being just
– Fear and reference God in your love towards God and man
– Act in love and mercy to those in need,
– Work humbly with God and Keep His commandment.
– And finally stay away from evil.
1 comment
Wow this is a spirit filled sermon. i missed Sunday service today but i did not miss HIS word. Halleluyah