Every child of God has possessions or spiritual blessings in heavenly places, which have been provided by Christ Jesus. Our possessions are our covenant rights which God has given to us, through His Son (Jesus Christ).
Your possession is your right, it’s your portion, and it’s your inheritance.
You can only possess what is yours by right. Every child of God has an inheritance in Christ.
Your possession is your right, it’s your portion, and it’s your inheritance.
You can only possess what is yours by right. Every child of God has an inheritance in Christ.
These ‘possessions’ (spiritual blessings in heavenly places) are the exclusive rights of the people of God.
Through Jesus Christ, we become heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ.
God wants to groom us into the level of ‘sonship’ before bringing us into the total possession of our inheritance in Him.
(For as long as the heir to the throne is a child, he is still likened to a servant and cannot take full possession, even though he is potentially the lord of all…)
Through Jesus Christ, we become heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ.
God wants to groom us into the level of ‘sonship’ before bringing us into the total possession of our inheritance in Him.
(For as long as the heir to the throne is a child, he is still likened to a servant and cannot take full possession, even though he is potentially the lord of all…)
Obadiah 1:17 talks about the processes or steps that precede possession: Deliverance and Holiness.
The 4 Ps of Life (the processes that God uses to bring us into the place of destiny)
The promises of God are the bases of manifestation in the Kingdom of God.
Any manifestation of God’s power or testimony about God’s faithfulness must have been preceded by the promises of God.
God’s promises are His Words; His Word is His bond….Whatsoever He says automatically becomes binding, at the appointed time, it will come into fulfilment.
The promise(s) of God is/are the foundation for the building of our faith.
(Faith is an act or expression, motivated or inspired by the Word of God
…Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God)
What are the promises of God concerning your life? Begin to recall them and respond positively to them.
Visions, prophecies, revelations and other testimonies from men are at best, confirmation of what has been written (the Word).
However, receiving the promise does not guarantee the possession of one’s inheritance in Christ.
The promises of God are the bases of manifestation in the Kingdom of God.
Any manifestation of God’s power or testimony about God’s faithfulness must have been preceded by the promises of God.
God’s promises are His Words; His Word is His bond….Whatsoever He says automatically becomes binding, at the appointed time, it will come into fulfilment.
The promise(s) of God is/are the foundation for the building of our faith.
(Faith is an act or expression, motivated or inspired by the Word of God
…Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God)
What are the promises of God concerning your life? Begin to recall them and respond positively to them.
Visions, prophecies, revelations and other testimonies from men are at best, confirmation of what has been written (the Word).
However, receiving the promise does not guarantee the possession of one’s inheritance in Christ.
Principles are laws or rules that have to (must) be followed. They are fundamental doctrines or tenets which must be strictly adhered to.
Our God is a God of principles. His code of conducts must be duly followed.
After giving the promise, God wants to establish us in His doctrine – (way, belief, value system, etc).
If the Lord will be your Shepherd, you must know His principles.
We know about the principles of God through His Word (2 Tim. 3:16, Psalm 119:9)
His principles teach us how to flee from every appearance of evil.
His principles lead us on the narrow and lonely path, which leads to eternal life.
When we understand His principles, we crave for God, rather than mere ‘blessings’.
Understanding His principles sets our feet upon the Rock; we become established on the path of life and are no longer tossed around by every wind of doctrine.
Principles are laws or rules that have to (must) be followed. They are fundamental doctrines or tenets which must be strictly adhered to.
Our God is a God of principles. His code of conducts must be duly followed.
After giving the promise, God wants to establish us in His doctrine – (way, belief, value system, etc).
If the Lord will be your Shepherd, you must know His principles.
We know about the principles of God through His Word (2 Tim. 3:16, Psalm 119:9)
His principles teach us how to flee from every appearance of evil.
His principles lead us on the narrow and lonely path, which leads to eternal life.
When we understand His principles, we crave for God, rather than mere ‘blessings’.
Understanding His principles sets our feet upon the Rock; we become established on the path of life and are no longer tossed around by every wind of doctrine.
Problems are necessary refinery processes which we must pass through, on our way to fulfilling God’s purpose.
Note that God never promised us a hitch-free journey into eternal life.
The Bible confirmed that we mustthrough much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God (Acts 14:22).
Tribulations and persecutions will arise for the sake of the Word (promise) that has been given to you (Matt 13:20-21).
Note that it’s a refinery process. It’s not your final destination, it’s only a passage.
Problems make us to reflect on our weaknesses and God’s strength is glorified in our weaknesses. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Problems pave the way for perfection (Hebrews 2:10; 5:8-9)
Problems are necessary refinery processes which we must pass through, on our way to fulfilling God’s purpose.
Note that God never promised us a hitch-free journey into eternal life.
The Bible confirmed that we mustthrough much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God (Acts 14:22).
Tribulations and persecutions will arise for the sake of the Word (promise) that has been given to you (Matt 13:20-21).
Note that it’s a refinery process. It’s not your final destination, it’s only a passage.
Problems make us to reflect on our weaknesses and God’s strength is glorified in our weaknesses. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Problems pave the way for perfection (Hebrews 2:10; 5:8-9)
This is the point of taking full ownership of one’s inheritance (covenant rights) in Christ. It’s a process of restoration, whereby you retrieve what is rightfully yours, but hitherto had been unlawfully taken away from you.
David recovered all (1 Samuel 30); Psalm 126
However, God does not want us to be possessed by the things He blesses us with. He still wants to take absolute possession over our lives.
David recovered all (1 Samuel 30); Psalm 126
However, God does not want us to be possessed by the things He blesses us with. He still wants to take absolute possession over our lives.
Resident pastor