Take the LEAD
Eccl. 10:16-17
Everything rises and falls on leadership. Every entity is as good as its leadership. An organisation, a business, government, church or family is a reflection of its leadership!
Leadership is the ability to influence and inspire an individual or a group of people to achieve worthwhile goals.
In our traditional culture, leadership is equated with position or title, but Jesus Christ introduced a paradigm shift on the subject of leadership, service-oriented leadership (Matt. 20:25-28; Mark 10:42-45).
Responsibility is not about just growing in age, it’s about growing up! Take responsibility for your life, family, ministry, career, business, academics, etc…
(Isaiah 9:6; Gal. 4:1-2)
It takes spiritual discipline to understand times and seasons (1 Chro. 12:32).
Through the Word of God, discipline is enforced. And where there is no access to the un-diluted Word of God, people cast off restraint…(Prov. 29:18).
We must ensure discipline in our drive for money, power, fame or recognition, sex, food, sleep, etc.
When your life is subjected to the Word of God, you gain mastery over sin!
Diligence involves assiduousness, industry and fervency. Through diligence, we can ensure our calling and election (2 Peter 1:5-11).
A diligent man will always stand before kings (Prov. 22:29).
Spiritual insight (vision) which answers ‘what’, ‘how’, ‘when’ and ‘where’.
Access to the mind of God (John 5:17-21)
Service (selfless service)
Jotham’s parable deals with service (Judges 9:7-16).
Service is the essence of leadership.
Purposeful living – Daniel 1:8
David was a man of purpose (Acts 13:22, 36)
Worthless men, debtors, vagabonds, and frustrated folks went to meet him and he became their leader. These men eventually became mighty men of valour.
One underlying factor that drives all the above listed virtues is THE HEART.
Whether you are a son of nobles or a son of perdition, it’s a function of your heart…
It takes a right heart to make an indelible mark in life (Prov. 4:23; 23:26)
Are you a responsible man/woman or a child?
As repairers of the breach and bridge builders, we must take the lead and build a superior infrastructure (foundation) for an enviable future, ahead of the upcoming generation…
It takes a man/woman who can drive himself/herself to drive others.
You can impact the world, you can be a world changer….it starts with YOU!
Allow God to perfect His work in you, right from your heart.
Give your life to Jesus…let Him change your heart, let him give you a clean, pure, perfect and purified heart (Ps. 24:3-6).
Thereafter, take the lead!
Resident Pastor
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