Palm Sunday Service – celebrating the triumphant entry of Christmas into Jerusalem.

Right before the creation of the earth, God had pre-ordained man to be the crown of His

creatures (Psalm 8:4-6). (Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-38; John 12:12-18)

Man has been crowned with God’s glory and honour. We have been created in His image

and likeness. We’ve been configured to show forth His praise…

God wants to show forth His glory and majesty in the last days, He wants to stir up the

souls and hearts of men in a great revival that will precede the ‘great harvest’, but He will

make use of men – available men (human vessels).

Unfortunately, many of the men that should spearhead great things in the body of Christ,

and others who are supposed to be in the army of the living God, doing exploits for the

kingdom are presently tied down, chained and struggling under the yoke of the devil.

The Lord requested for the release of the ass (donkey) and its colt. ‘…loose them and

bring them unto Me’, He said.

God wants to use you, including your God-given inheritance, so, they must be released…

(These include your health, your blessing, your children, your peace, your job, your

business, contact, ministry….destiny, etc).

Everything that has been tied down in your life is hereby released in the name of Jesus


As this message comes to you, grace is imparted upon your hearts, to arise in the light of

God’s Word.

Rise up from your chains, rise up from spiritual slumber, rise up from iniquity.

Awake O sleeper, rise up from the dead and Christ will give you light (Eph. 5:14).

People will definitely question you! The Master had seen it ahead, so He said ‘if anything

asks you….declare: the Lord has need of them!

They did as the Lord instructed them and it worked for them the same way!

As they were going, the donkey and the colt were ‘robed’ with honour and majesty!

People came and started spreading their garments on the donkey and on the road.

When you yield to divine mandate (God’s way), men will come and honour God in your


Don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s you they are honouring, it’s not you, it’s Jesus…

‘He must increase that I may decrease’ (John 3:30).

When you carry Jesus, His glory and honour will definitely rob off on you…

When the Lord sits upon your life, He will take you to greater heights in life!

Hosanna! Hosanna! Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord…

The same people shouting ‘Hosanna’ today, would soon shout ‘Crucify Him’…

Why did the Lord choose a donkey?

Zech. 9:9

The donkey signifies humility and meekness.

Everything about the Lord signified humility and modesty…

He came as a lowly servant on a donkey, not in a royal convoy; on the clothes of the poor

and humble, not in royal robes.

Jesus Christ came not to conquer by force, but by love.

He conquers not nations, but hearts and minds.

He authors and brings the message of peace with God, not of temporal peace.

The Lord has need of you! He wants to make you a channel through whom He will reign

triumphantly on earth and in the hearts of people through love and peace.

He will only make use of the humble and the meek, people who are willing to obey Him

at any cost.

The Lord has need of us!

                                                PASTOR NATHANIEL SADELA
                                             Resident  Pastor
for more details on pictures and proceedures of the service: check our posts on and our tweets on

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