Deuteronomy 33:29
Victory is an act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition.
Victory also implies gaining the competitive advantage over a rival or competitor.
(1 Cor. 9:24)
Life is a going-concern, therefore everyone needs victory at every stage of life.
The interesting thing is that the victory we secure in Christ is not limited to this side of life, it cuts across and extends to eternity.
Moses blessed the house of Israel and called them a blessed people, because the Lord is their shield and their sword of excellency and that their enemies will submit to God’s purpose in their lives….(Deut. 33:29)
When God opens doors for you, the devil will definitely want to contend with you. In total obedience and absolute submission to God, resist the devil and he will flee (James 4:7)
Remember, victory won’t just come on a platter of gold, you have to resist him (1 Peter 5:5-11).
Put on the cloak of humility!
Some other requirements for securing victory in Christ include but are not limited to the following:
- Faith in Christ
- The Word of God
- Godly wisdom
- The anointing of the Holy Spirit
- Obedience to God etc.
For the purpose of today’s message we want to limit them to the these three things used in Rev. 12:11;
- The Blood of the Lamb
- The Word of their testimony
- The Cross (death to self)
If we must secure victory in the Lord Jesus Christ in year 2015, we must live by these three elements.
In 2015 and beyond, victory is yours in the name of Jesus Christ!
The Lord will give you victory in every fold of life, in all your endeavours…
Resident Pastor
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