Text: 2Kings 7:1-10, 16-18
Someone once said that “the only problem is to get God to say something and He will be committed to His word for fulfillment”. God is not a man to tell a lie neither is he a son of man to repent… (Num. 23:19). When God says a thing the whole heavens and earth will rather stand still until it is fulfilled.
Permit me to use the contents of the scriptures read this morning to draw out some important lessons which concerns us individually. I know this story is a common one in the bible and that it contents are straight forward enough to understand. However, the story ministered to me in a different light and I pray it ministers to you as well.
The lessons drawn from the reading
1. God does not do a thing without first speaking it forth. Before God will do anything He first and foremost finds it expressed in His WORD, the BIBLE or puts it in the mouth of His Servants. Thus the word of the Lord goes ahead of Him for His Purpose and intent to be established. This is one of the fundamental principles of God that stands for ever (Psalm 119:89) Forever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. 2Kings 7:1, Gen. 18:17 and Amos 3:7.
2. When God speaks, His words are like seeds that can easily be ignored for lack of logic or for being too hard to reckon with. God’s word does not and will never make logical sense to those who go about with human knowledge. It sometimes takes a bit of foolishness in the world standard and faith in God’s word to make sense of God’s agenda. Therefore, those who are not submissive to divine order of things will miss out of God’s plan at the detriment of their lives on many occasions – 1Cor. 1:18 – 21. 2:14, 3:19
3. God’s word is like water that prepares ground for it fruits. When God’s goes forth, the earth is prepared to receive it and produce great things out of it. (Isaiah 55:10 – 11)
4. When God speaks, the hearts of prepared people are sensitized and moved for action. (2Kings 7:3 -4. In this case, God’s word has strategically four lepers at the outskirt of the city to set their heart right and to respond for fulfillment of God’s word. God uses the base things of this world to confirm His word
5. When divine utterance is made, divine opportunity looms in the air for anyone that will take advantage of it. The word of God provides conducive and enabling environment to anyone who is sensitive enough to act on it. God is no respecter of persons; anyone that dares to act on His word shall be blessed.
6. God’s word will come to pass irrespective of who believes it or not – Jer. 1:12. Whatever God has said will come to pass. His word will never fall to the ground without being fulfilled.
7. Finally, when God speaks, solution is birthed – 2Kings 7:18. The word of God has always been and will always be about solution. The word of the Lord framed the world and it’s the only required solution to any world’s problem. What has God spoken to you? Wait for it, it will find its way to fulfillment in your life.
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