Philippians 3:12
Philippians 3:12
It is through the supernatural wisdom of God that we discover the purpose of God for our lives. Remember, your purpose is not determined by you, rather, it is revealed to you.
God derives no pleasure in hiding His purpose for your life from you, rather, He is ever willing to disclose it to you (Jer. 33:3).
Remember, purpose is the reason for which someone (or something) exists (Rev. 4:11).
Without purpose, life itself is meaningless. Without purpose, you cannot truly measure the success or failure of individuals, groups, organisations, projects, endeavours, etc.
The real measure of success in life is in the fulfilment of purpose.
God derives no pleasure in hiding His purpose for your life from you, rather, He is ever willing to disclose it to you (Jer. 33:3).
Remember, purpose is the reason for which someone (or something) exists (Rev. 4:11).
Without purpose, life itself is meaningless. Without purpose, you cannot truly measure the success or failure of individuals, groups, organisations, projects, endeavours, etc.
The real measure of success in life is in the fulfilment of purpose.
What then is God’s purpose for your life?
What would God have you do at this point in time of your life? Are your steps falling in line with God’s plans and agenda for your life?
Apostle Paul discovered God’s purpose for his life (as revealed to him by Jesus) and he laid aside every weight, running diligently towards the fulfilment of that purpose.
He said, ‘…but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me’ (Phil. 3:12).
At every stage of our lives, in relation to God’s purpose, we need the wisdom of God. It takes wisdom to discover God’s purpose for one’s life, connect with that purpose, stay connected all through, and to eventually fulfil that purpose.
Apostle Paul discovered God’s purpose for his life (as revealed to him by Jesus) and he laid aside every weight, running diligently towards the fulfilment of that purpose.
He said, ‘…but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me’ (Phil. 3:12).
At every stage of our lives, in relation to God’s purpose, we need the wisdom of God. It takes wisdom to discover God’s purpose for one’s life, connect with that purpose, stay connected all through, and to eventually fulfil that purpose.
In the midst of distractions, attractions and contradictions, wisdom keeps you focused and helps you fix your gaze on the Lord, Jesus Christ (Prov. 4:25; Heb. 12:2).
Through the eyes of spiritual insight, you see beyond the price (current suffering), you see the prize ahead of you (the glory that will be revealed in you) – Rom. 8:18; 2 Cor. 4:17-18; Phil. 3:14.
The testimonies of the Lord possess an eternal weight of glory. When our ways are integrated into His ways, we receive understanding and that provokes eternal life (Psalm 119:144).
When the incorruptible seed of the Word of God is sown in your heart (on a fertile ground of spiritual understanding), fruitfulness abounds, abundant life becomes the order of the order, healing breaks forth and the supernatural takes place.
Wisdom demands that we receive with meekness, the engrafted Word of God to control our thought life and value systems (Prov. 4:23). Frame your world therefore, by the Word of God!
As we draw this message to a conclusion, the story of the four lepers in 2 Kings 7 revealed to us the manifold wisdom of God, starting from the declaration by the man of God, Elisha and thereafter, how God chose to use lepers to bring about economic resuscitation to Samaria, and finally, how the lepers refused to die at the gate (in spite of their situation), but decided to forge ahead and eventually chose to fulfil God’s purpose for their lives. They remained committed to the course of kingdom expansion, even after they had stumbled on great unexpected wealth.
What lesson can you draw from all these? May the Lord grant us grace to apply our hearts unto wisdom.
Resident Pastor
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