How can I obtain a good testimony/report from God?
Hebrews 11:1-4
Hebrews 11:1-4
Testimony is an attestation to the truth concerning a matter. It’s a statement or declaration (written or spoken) made by a witness. It’s also seen as evidence, testifying to something.
In this context, we want to look at testimony as a spiritual report or witness, given by God, on behalf of mortal beings (Acts 14:3; Hebrews 2:4).
In this context, we want to look at testimony as a spiritual report or witness, given by God, on behalf of mortal beings (Acts 14:3; Hebrews 2:4).
By faith, the elders (patriarchs – ancient, fathers, men who stood for God, even in difficult circumstances) obtained a good testimony/report…
What is Faith?
Faith is seeing from God’s perspective. It’s a positive response/reaction to the Word of God. Faith is a process whereby God’s thoughts are replicated in you. The moment your thoughts are well synchronised with the thoughts of God, faith is released!
Faith comes by revelation. It’s not a mental exercise, it’s a spiritual endeavour.
Faith is not just believing God for the goodies of life, it also involves total obedience to the Word (and commandments) of God.
Faith allows one to have a right standing before God (Romans 4:3; Gen. 15:6).
Through faith we obtain a good testimony from God.
Today, we want to examine the life of Abel
Abel was the second son of Adam.
He was a shepherd by occupation.
The Bible revealed that he was a faithful man.
He was the first martyr in the Bible (killed for the sake of righteousness)
Jesus Christ referred to him as a righteous man (Matt. 23:35)
He was a shepherd by occupation.
The Bible revealed that he was a faithful man.
He was the first martyr in the Bible (killed for the sake of righteousness)
Jesus Christ referred to him as a righteous man (Matt. 23:35)
Hebrews 11:4revealed that he offered a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, his brother.
Many people erroneously believe that Abel’s sacrifice was preferred to Cain’s because of the size of what each of them brought. However, God was more interested in their hearts.
Many people erroneously believe that Abel’s sacrifice was preferred to Cain’s because of the size of what each of them brought. However, God was more interested in their hearts.
Abel’s heart was right towards God (even after the fall of man, his heart was still in proper alignment with that of God), while Cain’s heart had drifted away from God (Gen. 4:4-7).
Brethren, we need to ask ourselves ‘What testimony is God giving about our lives, sacrifice and service unto Him?’
What is God saying about you?
Abel was eventually killed by his brother, but the Bible reveals that he still speaks (or he is still being spoken of – Hebrews 11:4).
What is God saying about you and me? What will God say about us long after we’re gone?
How can I obtain a good testimony/report from God?
1. Build/Repair the altar (1 Kings 18:30-38, Deut 27:6, 2 Chron. 33:16)
An altar is a platform on which offering/sacrifice is laid.
A broken down altar cannot command an acceptable offering in the sight of God.
The altar is a place of communion with God. It’s a place of prayer and the study of the Word of God.
An altar is a platform on which offering/sacrifice is laid.
A broken down altar cannot command an acceptable offering in the sight of God.
The altar is a place of communion with God. It’s a place of prayer and the study of the Word of God.
2. A living sacrifice – the reasonable service (Romans 12:2)
While men look at the outward appearance, God looks at the heart. This involves giving the totality of your life to God to the extent that you no longer live for/by yourself (Galatians 2:20).
The Lord pays a detailed attention to not just the sacrifice, but also the servant who brings the sacrifice (or service) before Him. The sacrifice that will provoke a sweet smelling savour before the Master must be done by a broken spirit and a contrite heart (Psalm 51:17).
While men look at the outward appearance, God looks at the heart. This involves giving the totality of your life to God to the extent that you no longer live for/by yourself (Galatians 2:20).
The Lord pays a detailed attention to not just the sacrifice, but also the servant who brings the sacrifice (or service) before Him. The sacrifice that will provoke a sweet smelling savour before the Master must be done by a broken spirit and a contrite heart (Psalm 51:17).
Resident Pastor
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