(Luke 2:41-52)
We want look and study briefly the account of Jesus at age 12 in the house Joseph and Mary. As we study each verse, I believe the Lord will open our inner eyes to understand His word.
In Luke 2:41, The Bible made us understand that Jesus was born into a devout, law-keeping family. He had godly parents who raised Him right through the Holy book from day one. His parents always took Him along when it was time to appear in the presence of the Lord.
We as parents, do we appear in the presence of the Lord together with our family? Is the time of worship a time to look forward to or is it a time to grumbly get out of bed? Our attitude to worship help our children form an opinion on how they perceive God.
As a Christian family, there is nothing more powerful than a family that prays and worship together. When we make every worship day important than any other day in our homes, our children begin to understand how important God is.
We can learn something from the faithfulness of Mary and Joseph to make sure that their son was under the means of grace, following the commandments of God’s word.
Have we created good excitement in our children when it’s time to go to church or they prefer to hang out with friends more than being in the house of their heavenly father?
In Luke 2:46, Jesus, “the Word of God incarnate”, was learning and listening to the scribe in the house of God. We equally ought to study the word of God at all times together as brethren.
A lot of us don’t want to understand more of God than what we already know.” My question this morning is, “How are you pursuing the knowledge of God? Are you in His word day by day and not only on Sundays?
In Luke 2:48, Jesus talked about the Father’s business. So what is the Father’s business as far as Jesus was concerned? Let us look at John 4:34.
What is the work that Jesus was referring to? Did He accomplish this (work) business of the Father? See John 19:30.
The Father’s purpose and will for Him was to reconcile humanity to God and to save the world from eternal damnation. John 17:3
Have you discovered the heavenly Father’s business for your life? If yes, how are you helping your children and others discover the father’s business in their lives? Every parent wants their children to know what they do for a living, but do we make our children aware of their Heavenly father business? When they show interest in things which relate the spiritual, how well do we encourage them?
Mary sets a good example for parents. In Luke 2 vs.51, the Bible says “and His mother Mary treasured all these things in her heart”.
Every parent need to be like Mary who will not commonize the gift of God discovered in their children but will help them grow it in fulfillment of God’s divine purpose. When you don’t understand the uniqueness found in your child, pray for the spirit of discernment (pray for divine guidance).
In Luke 2:51, though Jesus Christ at age 12 revealed a glimpse of God’s divine purpose for his life, but still humbled Himself by learning under Joseph till he became thirty years of age.
If God reveals His divine purpose to us can we still be humble to wait for the appointed timing of God or we are eager to launch out? Job 14:14
In Luke 2:52, “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man”.
As sons and daughters of God, God wants to lead us through His spirit Rom 8:14.
When you discover purpose early, you enjoy favour with God and with men Rom 8:28 .
Are you called according to His purpose? When you are, all thing begins to align for you. Where people struggle, God simplifies things for you. Where there is no way, God becomes your way. 1 Cor 2:9. Are you in love with the Father’s business? When you discover purpose early in life, you enjoy abundance favour and mercy in the sight of God and even with man
As Christians young and old, we must all know that we have been chosen by God to carry out divine purpose. Some may discover theirs early but it is never too late to discover purpose. (the Bible says …in 1Peter 2:9 “But we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood……”)
Moses discovered the Father’s business at age 40. Have you discovered the Father’s business? If yes, are you in the place of your brooding and learning until the day of your appearing or you want to immediately launch out?
Jesus Knew from birth His divine assignment but waited till the day of His appearing. John the Baptist had the prophecy gone out even before he was conceived but waited for the appointed time of his appearing, Samuel was in the seminary at a young age and even when the Lord ministered to him concerning his master’s many mistakes (sins), he never left the seminary but continued till the day of his appearing. Paul helped Timothy discover divine purpose. Who are you helping to discover divine purpose?
For parents in our midst, how are you helping your children discover the Father’s business for their lives? The power and the grace that we all will continue with the Father’s business may the Lord grant it to everyone. Shalom!
Pastor Lanre Areola
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