Vision is the unfolding, discovery or revelation of God’s agenda for your life. It’s the picture of the desired outcome (present or future) which God shows to His people (Amos 3:7; Genesis 18:17-19; Psalm 25:14).
The force of vision enables you to see the invisible, hear the inaudible and do the seemingly impossible in your generation as you follow the footsteps of the Lord, because you are dancing to a different tune, and not following the crowd… (1 Cor. 2:9-10).
It is the blueprint or grand design of the colourful destiny that God had prepared for us before the foundation of the world.
God is ever willing to give us a hint of things that will unfold now and even in the future, but are we patient and quiet enough to stay in His presence and dwell with Him? Jer. 33:3; Psalm 119:18.
May the Lord open your spiritual understanding through the light of His Word, and thereby impart deep counsels into your heart (Psalm 119:130).
What do you see? In the presence of God (while praying, worshipping, meditating and studying the Word), when you are asleep and when the Word of God is being preached/taught, what do you see? (Gen. 13:14-18; 15:1-5).
Some important things to note about vision and how they are applicable to our lives:
1. Through the force of vision, we can operate in the practical knowledge of God’s will and dwell within our God-given lane, exploring the riches therein (Ephesians 1:17-18).
2. What kept the people of old in the faith was their alignment with the heavenly vision (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, etc). Even though, the physical eyes of some of them were dim (at old age), their spiritual insight remained sharp as they could see clearly into the future and declare the mind of God (Gen. 48:8-20; Hebrews 11:21-22).
We must get inclined, enlightened and educated about the things of God. How do we guard jealously what we don’t even know about?
3. Where there is no supply of heavenly vision, people perish. Lack of vision makes people to be ungovernable, they cast off restraint, they run wild and therefore, they become spiritually vulnerable.
But he that follows God’s Word is blessed…
Proverbs 29:18
4. Vision is the heartbeat of Godly and effective leaders. God revealed the dynamics and the requirements for the building of the tabernacle in the wilderness unto Moses, and everything was carried out by the Israelites according to the details (Acts 7:44; Hebrews 8:5).
David understood in writing (through the hand of the Lord that was upon him), the plans of the temple to be built for God and he gave the comprehensive documentation of the plan to Solomon, his son (1 Chron. 28:19).
In 1 Samuel 3, Samuel ministered as a priest under the leadership of Eli the priest. This was before the divine encounter he had with the Lord.
All through this time, he was just burning incense (constricted to a daily routine), because the Word of the Lord was scarce in those days, revelation was scarce. The prophetic dimension of his ministry was held on, until the day of visitation…
Your vision will not die, the heavenly vision will not be frustrated, it will speak at the end, and it will come to pass, to the glory of God the Father (Hab. 2:3).
Resident Pastor
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