In John 4, a woman of Samaria went to the well to draw water (for her need), and she met with the Giver of the water of life, Jesus!
Just as Jesus said, this water will become in you, a fountain (well) of water, springing up into everlasting life.
But when anyone comes to the water of life and drinks continually from this fountain, he receives life and not only that, he carries within him, the power of an endless life.
Your best is yet to be witnessed by your generation. That which will declare the glory of the Lord among the nations is yet to be revealed in you… Your best days are ahead!
The word ‘come’ here, is an outcry, an open bid or invitation.
Furthermore, it’s an empowerment to those who are referred to as the less-privileged in the society (Eccl. 9:11; 1 Cor. 26:29).
It also signifies an extension of the arm of mercy to everyone.
Those who will yield or fit in to the call are:
The ‘rich’ are most unlikely to yield to this divine call…
They would rather bargain to obtain or inherit eternal life (Mark. 10:17-31).
Isaiah 55:1-3
Everyone who is thirsty, come to the waters and have a free drink.
In John 4, a woman of Samaria went to the well to draw water (for her need), and she met with the Giver of the water of life, Jesus!
Just as Jesus said, this water will become in you, a fountain (well) of water, springing up into everlasting life.
‘But whoever drinks the water that I give him will never be thirsty again. But the water that I give him will become in him a spring of water [satisfying his thirst for God] welling up [continually flowing, bubbling within him] to eternal life’ – John 4:13 (AMP).
Every man initially sets forth the good wine in life, and as time goes on, when everyone is well drunk, they present the wine of lesser quality (their true nature and character begin to manifest)… John 2:10.
But when anyone comes to the water of life and drinks continually from this fountain, he receives life and not only that, he carries within him, the power of an endless life.
Your best is yet to be witnessed by your generation. That which will declare the glory of the Lord among the nations is yet to be revealed in you… Your best days are ahead!
The word ‘come’ here, is an outcry, an open bid or invitation.
Furthermore, it’s an empowerment to those who are referred to as the less-privileged in the society (Eccl. 9:11; 1 Cor. 26:29).
It also signifies an extension of the arm of mercy to everyone.
However, not everyone called will eventually yield or fit in to this call. Many are called, but few are chosen…
Those who will yield or fit in to the call are:
1. Those who are thirsty – those who yearn for God! – John 7:37
2. Those who don’t have ‘money’ (broke/broken). They have spent and have themselves become spent in resources, time and usefulness (literally, the poor) – Isaiah 61:1
3. The labourers (those who toil and labour ceaselessly) – Matt. 11:28
The ‘rich’ are most unlikely to yield to this divine call…
The problem with the ‘rich’ is that they have no sense of thirst. They feel no urge for the things of God and His kingdom, their sense of desire is weakened. They don’t need God, they are self-sustained. They are not rich towards God (Luke 12:16-21). They seek life, but will never approach the Giver of life (John 5:39-40).
They would rather bargain to obtain or inherit eternal life (Mark. 10:17-31).
Coming to the presence of God gives you access to the unending riches of God. It gives you access to the free gift of salvation. Thereafter, you can ‘buy’ wine (the gift of the Holy Spirit) and milk (access to the Word) at no cost…
You know there is an emptiness within you, which only God can meet. Reach out to Him, share your burden and your thoughts with Him. He is ever ready to meet you at the point of your need! Moreover, He sees beyond your need…
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