1 John 4:4; Romans 8:31-34; 1 John 5:4-5

The greater One lives within you…He is greater than the world! He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness…(2 Peter 1:3).
We are still examining the life of King David, who is a type and shadow of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Please note that our mandate is not to become like David, but to become like Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).
David was an anointed man, inspired in the wisdom and power of God.
Even in the Old Testament, he could still enjoy an uninterrupted fellowship with the Spirit of Christ. This man held on dearly to the Spirit of God, pleading for God not to take His Holy Spirit from him (Psalm 51:10-12).
If a man living under the era of the law could hold steadfastly to the Spirit of God, what is required of us, who are living in the dispensation of the Holy Spirit?
Are we holding on dearly to the ministry of the Holy Spirit in order to fulfil our God-given assignment on earth?

Let’s examine 1 Samuel 17:31-40 (as the Lord enables us)…
Verse 31 – David kept asking questions, making enquiries and discoveries until the matter got to Saul…
Are you inquisitive enough? Do you ask questions? What type of questions do you ask? Are they constructive, soul searching questions that produce solutions?
A-S-K (Matthew 7:7).
Many times, we ask questions, but on the wrong platform, we ask the wrong person…Ask the right person, the right question!
David kept asking until it got to the right person that connected him to Saul…

Verse 32 – ‘Let no man’s heart fail because of him…’
As the anointed of the Lord, he knew that he carried the divine presence of God, and that the Lord would fight for him. While everyone else saw Goliath as a national threat and impending doom (calamity), David saw him as a stepping stone (springboard) to greater height…
Numbers 14:6-9
How do we see problems? How do we see challenges? Are we not trying to shy away from some of our problems? Are all these problems caused by our perceived enemies?

Verse 33 – ‘You are not able to go against him, you’re no match for him…’
Even perceived mentors might not know the depth of what God is calling you into.
Many people will judge you, based on your stature, present status, title, experience, academic qualification, etc…
Men will always look at the outward appearance, especially carnal-minded men like Saul…
The natural man does not discern (receive, accept) the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him… (1 Cor. 2:14).
While Saul was given to logical reasoning and carnality, David possessed the mind of God…
Do we have the mind of Christ?

Verses 34-37 – There is power in testimonies!
Godly testimonies provoke the power of God, they provoke victory over (discomfit) the enemies.
True testimonies are embedded in the Word of God. Real testimonies glorify God and proclaim the lordship of Jesus Christ alone.
God will surely dissociate Himself from any testimony that praises or glorifies man at His expense… (Isaiah 42:8).

The Lion and the bear…

Through David’s testimony, Saul was able to see some little traces of hope, in spite of his spiritual dullness (blindness)…
Saul said ‘Go, and the Lord be with you…’ (He changed his mind).

Verse 38-39 – However, Saul would not allow him to go without clothing him.
Saul clothed David with his own armour and that constrained (or incapacitated) David…
Go get your God-given armour! Put on the armour of God, the spiritual armour…
You cannot run your race with another man’s armour! You cannot win the battle of life, neither can you successfully fight the good fight of faith, holding fast to someone else’s armour…
Go for your God-given, custom-built armour…
What is the armour? (Ephesians 6:13-18).

Verse 40 – David took his staff with him and chose five smooth stones…
This had probably worked for him several times. He had tried, tested and proven it… Sincerely, I believe he just took five stones subconsciously, he never depended on the number of stones that were in his possession, he depended absolutely on God.
Furthermore, five is the number of grace!
Jesus Christ fed the multitude of about five thousand (men alone recorded) with five loaves of bread and two pieces of fish.
Having been anointed with the power of the Almighty God, David drew near to the Philistine…

Put on the full armour of God! Submit yourself to God, resist the devil and he will flee…(James 4:7).

Arise in the strength of the Lord, oh mighty men and women of valour, because…Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world…

        Resident  Pastor

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