1 Samuel 16:13-18
For capacity enhancement, the first thing we need to know is that we can do nothing without the help of the Holy Spirit. Without the help that comes from above, we are helpless…
Thou shall help us in the time of trouble, for vain is the help of man…
No matter how skillful a person may be, it takes divine empowerment for such a person to be recognised…
The anointing positioned David ahead for opportunities that would later come later on…Are you rightly positioned? Where are you?
In your prayer life, in the study of the Word of God, where is the place of your dwelling?
As the Spirit of the Lord came upon David on that day, by the reason of the anointing, the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul and a distressing spirit from the Lord (or through the permission of the Lord) tormented him.
As one king was quietly empowered by God for future impact and prominence, the presiding king had been rejected by the Lord…May we not be rejected by the God of heaven!
The earnest expectation of the creature eagerly awaits the manifestation of the sons of God…
Sons of God are earthen vessels (men and women) through whom God provides heavenly solutions to earthly problems. They are solution providers! May God empower us to become solution providers to our world!
Saul’s servants identified his problems. They observed the needs and vacuum in his life, hence the need for a solution provider came up!
Therefore, Saul’s servants suggested the appointment of a man who could proffer solution to the king’s problem…
God will create a vacuum or a need in people’s lives, so as to showcase the gifting, skillset, ability or endowment which He has deposited within you (which He is still sharpening, if you allow Him)…
He will showcase what He has been nurturing in you (as you put them to use) in the fullness of time…
About six (6) attributes were given about David by one of the servants of Saul. Let’s examine them briefly:
1. He was a skillful player.
He was talented in the use of harps to praise the Lord (Psalm 33:3). He displayed dexterity in the use of his God-given abilities.
Are you a man or woman of competence?
Do you display competence, character and credibility in tasks or assignments given to you?
Even in the so called mundane things we handle, are we committed?
2. A mighty man of valour.
He was a valiant man. One who possesses or shows great courage, bravery and determination, even in the face of danger or adversity.
David was a man who never turned his back against God. He would never ‘chicken-out’ in the time of persecution…
Psalm 27:1-3; 46:1-2; 91:1-2.
Are you a fair-weather Christian?
Are you willing to follow Jesus all through the way?
3. A man of war.
David said in one of his psalms, ‘He teaches my hands to war, so that my hands can bend a bow of bronze’ (2 Samuel 22:35; Psalm 18:34; 144:1).
He leveraged on every opportunity that God gave him to develop himself before exaltation.
Are you developing yourself?
Are you utilising the opportunities God is giving you (on a platter of gold), to prepare yourself ahead for the next level?
David was never afraid to take on any challenge. He even stretched himself, seeking for greater challenges, because he totally given to spiritual preparation…
4. Prudent in speech.
He was an anointed speaker. He words were seasoned with grace. He had his ways with words. He was eloquent, gifted in speech.
(Prov. 15:23; Psalm 45:1; Isaiah 50:4).
He knew the right word for the right season! He was indeed, the anointed of the Lord. He sincerely, had been endowed with the capacity to solve problems.
5. A handsome person.
He was a ‘comely’ person. He was good looking (presentable).
Don’t use the anointing as an excuse to look rough and unkempt.
You don’t necessarily have to wear expensive clothes if you can’t afford them. Always ensure that you look sharp, clean and responsible.
Moreover, his type of ‘comeliness’ was such that radiated from within…
Let your beauty be such that emanates from the heart…the hidden man of the heart, incorruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God (1 Peter 3:4).
6. And the Lord is with him!
He enjoyed uninterrupted access to God’s presence (Psalm 16:11; 27:4; 23:1-6).
The presence of God in David’s life made a world of differences in his life. His success in life depended so much on divine presence, that he pleaded with God not to forsake him (Psalm 51:11).
Do you desire the presence of God?
Don’t you get bored in the house of God? Don’t you get bored in the place of prayer and with Bible study?
If God is with you, it doesn’t matter who is against you, because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world…
It’s time to covet His presence more than anything else.
In conclusion, we need more than our educational attainments (degrees, certification) and career achievements to serve our generation according to God’s purpose.
We need to discover, cultivate, nurture and deploy the endowments that God has deposited within us!
(1 Tim. 4:14; 2 Tim. 1:6; 1 Thess. 5:20).
Stir up the gift of God in you…
Fan into flames, the spiritual gift…
Kindle anew (afresh) the gift of God…
Keep ablaze the gift of God…
Resident Pastor
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