Acts 13:36
Acts 13:36
HOW CAN I SERVE GOD’S PURPOSE IN MY GENERATION? God is purpose-driven; He is jealous concerning His purpose. God will go to any extent to bring His purpose into fulfilment. Isaiah 14:24. God has a purpose for every individual, family, household, church, society, people, generation etc.
Ephesians 2:10; John 6:29; John 14:12. However, it begins with service!
Two major components to be examined in this message are: Service and Purpose.
When God wants to bring about the fulfilment of His purpose concerning a people, nation or generation, He raises up men and empowers them for service.Ephesians 2:10; John 6:29; John 14:12. However, it begins with service!
The journey into the world of exploits (ministerial, career, family, life, etc.) starts with heartfelt service (devotion) unto God. Romans 12:1-2, Exodus 23:25, Luke 4:8, Matthew 4:10.
In the kingdom of God, the greatest are the servants of all – Matthew 20:26; Matthew 23:11; Mark 9:35; Luke 22:26. Even our Lord Jesus Christ served – John 13:1-5. It is in the process of serving diligently that we locate divine purpose. People like Joseph, Samuel, David, etc. discovered divine purpose in the place of service. HOW CAN I SERVE GOD’S PURPOSE IN MY GENERATION?
- The anointing of the Lord. (Psalm 89:20, Psalm 23:5, Isaiah 61:1)
- Constant fellowship with the Lord – in prayer and study by meditating on the Word. (Psalm 1:1-3, Psalm119:1-3)
Our service unto God must come with clean hands and with a pure heart
Broken heart and a contrite spirit – (Psalm 34:18, 51:17, Isaiah 57:15)
- Yield totally to God’s leading/direction. Be willing to serve Him whole-heartedly in any given capacity (Psalm 23:1-4). Sometimes, you might need to serve in seemingly difficult terrain, how obedient will you be?
(Psalm 66:10-12, Psalm 105:16-22)BENEFITS OF SERVING GOD’S PURPOSE1. Divine protection. (Galatians 5:17, PSALM 23)2. Divine Reward. (Matthew 6:6,colossians 2:18)3. God will grant your heart desires. (Luke 12:37)PST. NATHANIEL SADELAResident Pastorfor more details on pictures and proceedures of the service: check our posts on www.facebook.com/gacikeja and our tweets on www.twitter.com/gacikeja.gacikeja.Media