And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit.
Ourprayer must be centred on the will of the Father. Our prayer lives must be reshaped in such a way that they reflect what the Father is presently concerned about, and the things that He intends to do in the future.
James 5:16-18
Prayer is a two-way communication process (dialogue) whereby we enjoy sweet fellowship with God. Through prayer, we get spiritually refreshed.
Prayer is a ‘progressive’ spiritual process or endeavour which leaves an indelible mark in the life of a believer.
Prayer is not just a well-rehearsed or outlined rhetoric about our ‘endless’ needs which we present before God, rather, it’s a platform through which the intents and desires of God are fulfilled on earth (Matt. 6:10).
Elijah was a man with nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three and half years.
And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit.
The Bible shed more light on this, in the following portion of the Scripture:
1 Kings 17:1, 18:41-46.
1 Kings 17:1, 18:41-46.
Why do we pray?
– Prayer keeps us in tune with God. Through prayer, we maintain a cordial relationship with God. An effective prayer life is a basic requirement for a life-long walk with God (Gen. 17:1; Matt. 5:48).
– Prayer prevents weariness. An effective prayer life keeps the devil at bay. Men ought always to pray and not faint… (Luke 18:1; Matt. 6:5).
– Prayer changes you, and thereafter, circumstances, situations, people and things around you (2 Cor. 3:18). The altar of prayer is the place where our lives are positively altered.
– God delights in confirming the words of His servants (the prophets), therefore He provides a platform whereby heavenly treasures can be downloaded into human realities.
This can be done through prayers! (Gen. 20:7, 17).
Praying for the right reasons/motive
Ourprayer must be centred on the will of the Father. Our prayer lives must be reshaped in such a way that they reflect what the Father is presently concerned about, and the things that He intends to do in the future.
God is still looking for intercessors (Ezek. 22:30), He is still in the business of recruiting men who would stand in the gap (Gen. 18:17-33; Psalm 106:23). God is looking for men who would encounter a heavenly visitation, whether in the day or in the night, and rise up to labour in prayer, fervently, for the church of God (body of Christ) and the nation (Col. 4:12).
…When the Son of Man comes…will He really find ‘faith’ on earth?
There is a strong connection between fervency in prayer and sustenance in the faith…
The fervor of your prayer life determines the sustainability of your faith…For by faith you stand… (2 Cor. 1:24).
The Lord will answer your prayer! You will not labour in vain. You will not pray amiss, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Resident Pastor
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