The ten lepers met Jesus on the way to Jerusalem and they cried for mercy. They stood afar off, the law restrained them from moving closer to people, but their heart-cry and deep yearning for the Master could not be hindered.
Remember, the Lord delights in those who fear Him and hope in His mercy (Psalm 147:10-11). Do you hope in His mercy?
Rejecting the mercy of God implies that we are trying to relegate the righteousness of God, thereby promoting self righteousness.
Luke 17:11-19
Luke 17:11-19
Literally, mercy could be seen as a kind or forgiving treatment of someone who could be treated harshly.
It could also be seen as compassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one’s power.
Moreover, we need the mercy of God in order to secure access to everything obtainable in the kingdom of God.
It could also be seen as compassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one’s power.
Moreover, we need the mercy of God in order to secure access to everything obtainable in the kingdom of God.
God revealed Himself to Moses on the platform of mercy (Exodus 33:18-23; Romans 9:15-16).
Jesus revealed to the Pharisees that He came to show mercy (Mat 9:10-13; Hos 6:6)
Whatever is given by God to man, is provided on the platform of mercy.
We receive forgiveness, blessing, healing, ministry, strength to finish strong and so many others, by mercy. Access to the kingdom of God is obtained by mercy.
We receive forgiveness, blessing, healing, ministry, strength to finish strong and so many others, by mercy. Access to the kingdom of God is obtained by mercy.
Any provision we get or obtain without the mercy of God is spiritually illegal (it does not glorify God). No man can receive a thing except it is given by God (John 3:27).
Mercy works at the instance of faith. When living faith is provoked, the mercy of God speaks! (Acts 14:8-10).
Jesus Christ is Mercy personified. Everyone that approached Him for mercy was justified in one way or the other.
When mercy speaks, the impossible becomes possible; the dead situation comes alive; the dry bones live again; garment of iniquity is replaced with garment of righteousness; the handwriting of ordinances (certificate of debt) designed against one is blotted out.
The ten lepers met Jesus on the way to Jerusalem and they cried for mercy. They stood afar off, the law restrained them from moving closer to people, but their heart-cry and deep yearning for the Master could not be hindered.
Remember, the Lord delights in those who fear Him and hope in His mercy (Psalm 147:10-11). Do you hope in His mercy?
Consequently, the Lord instructed them to go and present themselves before the priests, and it came to pass that as they went, they were cleansed, they were healed…
One of the criminals hanged on the cross with Jesus obtained mercy (Luke 23:39-43)
Rejecting the mercy of God implies that we are trying to relegate the righteousness of God, thereby promoting self righteousness.
A man that has not encountered the Cross will never see the need for mercy. He believes he has the power and might to do everything.
Only a humble man (with a contrite heart, spirit and a broken heart) can genuinely seek and obtain the mercy of God.
LORD, have mercy on me…Hebrews 4:14-16.
Resident Pastor
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