From the scripture text (Daniel 1:3 – 20), we cannot agree any less that wisdom is very key to success in life. Little wonder the bible says, Wisdom [is]the principal thing; [therefore] get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. (Pro 4:7)
What then is wisdom and excellence, our key words in today’s sermon?
· Wisdom from Dictionary means ability to understand things that most other people cannot understand. It could also mean knowledge of what is proper or reasonable: good sense or judgment.
· Excellence simply means an extremely high quality
It really takes wisdom to be excellent in whatever we do. In this teaching, I will be using Daniel as a case study. Daniel just like Joseph exhibited the wisdom of God that I will like all of us to learn from. First let me try and draw out some lessons or points from the readings
· It is the king’s ideas/suggestions that certain of the Hebrew children are brought into the Babylonian royal team. Daniel and others has nothing to do with it – Verse 3
· The qualities required of any candidate that must qualify were well spelt out by the king. Initial preparations and wisdom are requirements – verse 4
· King’s delicacies were appointed for daily portion. Well balance diet to ease learning and boost intelligence – verse 5
· Daniel opted out of king’s daily portion of delicacies, chose pulse and water instead. Discipline, wisdom and fear of God – verse 8
· Daniel’s wisdom was put to test- wisdom that is not tried and proven is of divine origin – verses 12 – 15
· God gave Daniel and his friends, divine wisdom and understanding. God gave Daniel ability to understand visions and dreams – verse 17
· Finally Daniel and his friends were ten times preferred to others.
Source of wisdom
Wisdom is from God the creator of the heavens and the earth. The bible tells us that the Lord God founded the world by wisdom and established it by understanding – Pro. 3:19.
God is the giver of wisdom because the real wisdom comes from Him (James 1:5).
The wisdom of God is above all and is unbeatable by any technology or by any wisdom of this world.
God’s wisdom can only come from above and not from abroad. The wisdom from God (above) is first pure, peaceful and easily entreated (James 3:17). The bible also established that Jesus Christ is the power and the wisdom of God (1cor. 1:24).
Who can have the wisdom of God?
God’s wisdom is available for everyone who truly desire it and is ready to do whatever is required to have it.
The part of wisdom is the part of humility and submissiveness. It takes humility and total submission to God and His will to be wise.
We cannot afford to remain in the same level of wisdom with the people of the world because the wisdom of this world is foolishness unto God (1cor. 1:20 – 21; 27).
How can one have divine wisdom?
· If you must have God’s kind of wisdom, you must develop a relationship with Him through our Lord Jesus Christ. This is the first qualification to God’s wisdom
· You must fear God and walk in His ways – Job 28:28,
· You must embrace the word of God dearly to your heart – 2Tim. 3:15
· You must be ready to walk in the part of wisdom – Hos. 14:9
· You must ask and pray for wisdom – James 1:5
· You must allow the Holy Spirit to fill your life, He is the Spirit of Wisdom – Job 32:7-9
In conclusion, we all need the wisdom of God to go through this age if we must succeed and excel in all that the Lord our God has called us to do on this earth (Pro. 4:7).
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